
JIRA. Fucking JIRA. Everybody just fucking hates it. It tops the list of shit pieces of software by a fair margin, followed by JIRA in second place and JIRA in 3rd. It's fucking unusable without superpowers and endless patience. It does whatever it goddamn pleases and randomly sends your precious input that you so carefully crafted anxiously avoiding to press one wrong key to the happy hunting grounds.

Fuck you, JIRA.
- Every developer. Really every.

  • 2
    Trello/Wekan does ^x better job.
  • 1
    When JIRA is down, I am happy because QA is not able to report new bugs ;)
  • 4
    Whoa whoa whoa I like Jira, mostly because of how complex it is and how much I can do with it!

    If I ever need to "complete" trello cards I'll probably kill someone.
  • 6
    Weird.. Jira is working perfectly in our daily work. Love the integrations of it to other tooling also!
  • 1
    It is a very powerful tool for those who want to spend time learning it. For me the complexity just gets in the way. - And the page load time is horrendous (on 100mbit).

    How to fix:
    #1: Hide the complexity to enable fast workflows.
    #2: Make it a Single page application
    #3: Make it snappy
    #4: Learn workflows of users and prefetch data based on it.
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    It's too slow for us. When we hit save it just spins. We end up keeping two tabs open and alternating when when we save.

    Also task creation takes for ever. Just give me the ability to create a list that is trackable per a story.
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    It needs a dedicated, educated pm who masters and deals with it
    It's not your job to mess around with Jira you imbecile!
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    @muffix Proper rant. Bravo!
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    I don't know your set ups but from my experience you throw RAM at it it will a) soak it up as a sponge and b) cache all it can. Our jira got useful in excess of 4gb ram on the vm. That's called java.
    Also it's most likely not an issue of network speed. Our jira is accessed via a shitty 30mbit vpn tunnel
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    I run Jira like a tyrant. Hence, no problems!
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    @Hevlastka, now they added a way to make it easier. (http://blog.trello.com/mark-a-trell...)
  • 1
    Jira UX is horrible.

    Codegiant.io seems like a good alternative to Jira. Very developer friendly with more power-features :)
  • 1
    JIRA is powerful. BUT... the UX is bloody awful. As in makes me want to stab myself in the eyes daily. The number of times I've lost content due to terrible and buggy UI is growing numerous. Anyone that thinks otherwise needs to spend more time with FogBugz or Trello... or any other UI built in the last 10 years with modern technologies.
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    It's been 2 years since Atlassian acquired Trello. how come they haven't recked it yet?
  • 2
    jira это ебанутое говно, я ебал. нахуя я только связался с этой хуетой. плагин хуй создашь. нужно ждать блядский 300 секунд что бы запустить дев-сервер и инструкций нихуя нет как эту хуйню поправить. скоро начну себе волосы на голове выдерать от нервов. не связывайтесь с этой хуетой
    Plugins that have yet to be enabled: (1): , 999 seconds remaining БЛЯДЬ
  • 1
    Jira is garbage. Making searches case-sensitive? SERIOUSLY?

    It also doesn't show you what fields are called on a form, so how the hell are you supposed to compose a query by typing it out?

    Ugh, one could go on and on for hours condemning this piece of shit. It's right up there with SAP's excrement.
  • 0
    Translation of russian comment above
    jira is fucking shit, I fucked. fuck I just got in touch with this fuck. you will create a plugin. you need to wait for a fucking 300 seconds to start the dev-server and there are no fucking instructions on how to fix this garbage. soon I will begin to pull out the hair on my head from nerves. don't mess with this fuck
    Plugins that have yet to be enabled: (1):, 999 seconds remaining FUCK
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