
Dear teenager who came up to me and said "Oh python, you must be a beginner programmer"

kill yourself

Angry dev who is tired of people shaming python

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    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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    Ignore them, they're ignorant. Try to explain. If they don't get it, their loss.
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    it's not my goto language, but it's got its uses when I need something quick and dirty or automating a task.
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    @C0D4 .... likes it dirty!
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    I never get that from my teens ;)

    Not so much due to programming, but their friends are so jealous of parents that play games :P and that understand thing like you do not leave a raid to go eat :P, in such important cases you get your food served in the room.
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    Python is Zara of programming languages. Basically junk, I’m sorry. Btw language being trash doesn’t make what you do trash, you still totally can do amazing things in Python
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    If it doesn't have curly braces, it's a beginner language. Except Fortran, that's just bad.

    And except LISP, but that has parentheses instead because academia was so broke that they had to use discarded keyboards where the curly braces didn't work.
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    @Fast-Nop curly brace master race!
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    Although I don't use python, I can't deny his greatness
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    I knew a girl once who was into python shaming 🤔
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    @Fast-Nop except that there are plenty of beginner languages with curly braces (see Golang and Javascript).
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    @arcsector I agree with Golang.
    But JS... I don’t know.
    It seems simple on the surface but that simplicity manifests in very complex and weird stuff when you do something more sophisticated than basic stuff.
    It would probably cause more harm than good for beginners.
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    @arcsector Javascript is super professional. It's even used in modern nuclear missiles (to display ads right before they hit in).
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    @Fast-Nop just because something is professional doesn't make it not beginner.
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    @Lensflare and yet many people learn it as their first language. The big issue is that complexity doesn't disqualify a language from being beginner, what makes a beginner language is how many people are choosing to learn it first, at least in my opinion. This way you can't say "well a good beginner language is Perl", because despite Perl being easy, no one is learning it anymore except for legacy items.
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    @arcsector The reason why I recommend python as a beginner language is that the STL does so much you really learn to Google while studying it. Also bigger STL means less OS level fuckery to get 3rd party packages to work.
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    Paying teenagers to wind up experienced devs in this way seems like a fantastic prank.
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    Believe it or not I tried to get into Perl as a 'first language' at one point. Granted I had taken some C classes before that but it never stuck at that point.

    The Perl experiment did not stick... not a fun experience.
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    I'm no Python expert but the runtime / CLI and etc is a bitch to deal with if you're talking about version to version. That's one 'terrible' thing.
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    Most languages has its strong points and if a language gets the job done easier thats good.

    Python is sort of a favorite for ai and since its almost always used more like configuration than actual calculation, ease of writing and reading is probably the paramount property.

    Javascript has a lot if complexity and can be used for very heavy duty projects, but at the same time, its quite easy to learn the very basic things required to get simple stuff done, which makes it a pretty easy beginner language.

    Not necessarily the best as its also easy to learn a lot of bad habits ;)

    But thats only found out in hindsight.
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    @rooter if you barely heard of it doesn’t mean nobody uses it. Also, Adobe, Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Heroku...


    I personally got Clojure offers and I’m no rockstar
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    Seriously screw them, im tired of hearing how python is too easy...
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    "oh, making assumptions about what kind of programmer i am, based on one of many languages i know? you must be a no programmer at all!"
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    @Lensflare can totally agree, I tried to learn backend with node.js for a simple API or monolith, that shit got weird. Switched to Python/Django. I'm excited now, also happy and not frustrated.
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    It's tho 🤣
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    Oh, you're training a deep convolutional neural network using python? You must be a beginner!

    Oh, you're serving a secure and fast backend for a web service using FastAPI python library? You must be a beginner!

    Oh, made a game that's objectively more interesting ans fun to play than half the crap made with Unity using pyGame? YOU MuST Be A BeGiNNeR!

    It never fails to amaze me how people can boil down things they don't understand to pure ego boost for them selves :)
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    Me (A Web Developer) and a friend of mine (Data Scientist) have been eternally at a feud by roasting each other for working with JS and Python respectively.
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