

There is to much hate in the world already without hating on Windows because you are a Linux user, or vice Versa.

All I'm reading is windows is shit! Linux is for supreme devs.

More to life than hate! Respect each other's skills. Skills are like race all are unique and no one race is superior and don't discriminate because of skills.

  • 3
    More people need to read this
  • 15
    Yeah, we don't hate because we're Linux users. We hate because it's legitimately a bad operating system.
    We had to decommission laptops with last gen i3s + 8gb ram. All the users do is web browse and use office. The start menu lags! Everything lags!

    So don't give me some crap about hating on windows because I'm a Linux user.
  • 6
    I also hate the haters! GRAB YOUR TORCH AND PITCHFORK!
  • 3
    @cybojenix I think you'll find that you are hating on Windows because of the ecosystem that's not as light weight as Linux. That's fine but every other rant is hate about atom being worse than vs code or vice versa, nano being better than vim

    I just happened to pick the windows Linux as one example.

    My rant is more about hate than specifics
  • 0
    @qbalsdon I love these simpsons witch hunt cartoons
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    @runfrodorun I get you I hate people who drive like knobs, I hate websites that ask for inappropriate data.

    My point is i don't spend my life venting about my hates
  • 1
    @philcr, I hear you
  • 0
    @runfrodorun I do view them as funny most of the time, but some times enough is enough
  • 1
    I can't say I have come across any 'hate' its just healthy banter or disdain about OS's, IDE's, Turdpress etc.. there's nothing wrong with that. It can be funny, and it's mostly a 'let off steam' scenario that has caused you some shit at a given time. Lighten up, this is devRant where you can let off steam and say what the fuck you please!
  • 1
    There are Ferraris and old bugs... None is better too...
  • 1
    @philcr atom is fat, windows is a disgrace to the idea of os, ide or editor is a matter of taste, systemd is only hated by purists, not everything is opinion based, some software is terrible even tho functional (WordPress comes to mind)
  • 1
    The whole thing started as "let's not hate on people who have different skill set or those who like stuff you don't" and it's back to hating windows and atom. Ok Windows haters on this thread, I would gladly hate it with you, but maybe just maybe that wasn't the point.
  • 1
    The only Windows problems I've had were dumb mistakes and running buggy 3rd party programs.
  • 2
    No hate for windows devs,
    I actually respect them on how they can develop on windows??!!
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    @party101 probably because .Net languages are tight
  • 0
    Worse thing is: Most of the times, if you use windows, it is because you are developing something that has to run on a MS product, other wise you are free to choose whatever you want. That is shit.
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    @mundo03 because mono doesn't exist... /s
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    @dontbeevil damn right
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    @dontbeevil I liked windows 98 and 2000. I tried redhat 4.0 which didn't support wintel devices.
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    @dontbeevil i said most :(
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    @runfrodorun fair points, Linux was designed multi user not shoe horned in like windows.

    But you (and not just you!)have diversified from my original post being the hate!

    I do like Windows and Linux my point was the unnecessary slander of people's chosen environments whilst assuming there environment is the ultimate tool
  • 1
    I agree on some parts, but I dislike (not hate, I hate JavaOS, not windows) because it's so big and full of crap. Only dislike something if you've got a valid reason and you're not following the crowd
  • 0
    Windows sucks. It just does. I don't think about and it rant about until I run into an issue, which is often, because I work on a Windows machine. I rant about it when it's a big or funny issue, so I think it's appropriate. Rants usually imply hate, though I suppose they could end in a positive note.
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