Linux fans like C more than C++ and Windows fans prefer C++. Why is this so?

  • 8
    C++ is awful, just like Windows 😉
  • 8
    My guess is the simplicity (and therefore reliability), increased cross-compilability (so reliability of source), and fewer levels of abstraction (more reliability).

    So. The reliability.
  • 3
    Linux users wants control, windows users want abstractions to simplify complex stuff.
  • 23
    I don't see any statistical evidence of either of these. A lot of Linux software is C++, and a lot of Windows stuff is in C. Very questionable generalization at best.
  • 6
    @RememberMe yup. QT stuff is in c++, this means that most in KDEneeds to imteract with c++.
  • 3
    though i don't like QT, because it's such a humongous package, i tend to use gtkmm in personal projects (except that text editor, that is purely written in C, and uses GTK directly)

    GTK itself is in C,
    but gtkmm is a wrapper for C++

    kinda don't care what others say, but i use both for the whole trio of PC OS'es, making it dependent on the projected size and complexity of the project.
  • 5
    @thebiochemic Plus that Qt has the licence problem with regard to maintenance cycles and isn't community driven. KDE wasn't amused, but that's a case of "told you so".
  • 3
    Oh, then I think I'm the rare combination of Linux and C++ fan :)
  • 5
    Let's just say that the rant statement is just bullshit. There's no such correlation
  • 1
    @RememberMe I endorse this message.
  • 4
    Note: I agree with everyone in that I’ve never seen this preference outside of kernel development and other low-level circles.
  • 2
    @Root And that's because in low level, you don't want to abstract the hardware away (within this layer and within reason), and you don't want devs who dislike hardware. Quite the opposite, devs in this area are providers of abstractions, not consumers.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Isn’t that obvious? 😊
  • 0
    What’s wrong with windows? I never had issues with my windows laptop. It runs just fine even after 4 years
  • 0
    If my laptop lets me code without being TOO slow, that’s all that matters to me. It’s an instrument to me and nothing else
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode nothing is wrong with windows, but it's a complete desktop environment that is quite unintuitive to navigate development wise. Linux is a modular operating system that's built around access to the important stuff 🤷‍♂️
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