During job interview
Me : Am I going to maintain old solution?
Interviewer : Of course not.

2nd day
PM : Please fetch project X from SVN

  • 5
    Define old :)

    If its something that is in active development I would not classify that as maintaining old since your doing new development on an existing solution.

    If loading something from SVN automatically counts like maintaining old things you need to finish all projects in one push ;)

    Or was it SVN that was the problem?
  • 1
    That's what probation is for
  • 0
    Is at least X ok?
  • 1
    @Voxera 20 years old. I feel somehow cheated, because I was hired to work in modern stack, meanwhile I had to play with WCF, ASPX and other dead technologies I haven't touched in a decade.
  • 1
    @AlwaysSceptical well my job hasn’t worked out either.

    Within a couple of weeks of starting I began to have doubts that this was a good move and I’ve tried my best to make it work but by the time my 3 month probation was over I knew I would not want a repeat of those first 3 months, so by that reckoning I shouldn’t stay.

    So I asked them to extend my probation period. When we were in my probation review I spotted that extending it was a option (maybe the intention was it was an option for them), so I asked and they did it without batting an eyelid.
    I was upfront about the reasons and that I wanted to stay on a 1 week notice period.

    Ironically I have enjoyed the last week as I’ve ended up being a sort of team leader and spending my time educating the junior devs and guiding the strategy as much as I can without upsetting their principal developer.

    I have a call in 20 minutes to discuss why I handed in my notice yesterday.

    (Webforms here by the way)
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