Lies. Just pure lies.

I had to make 65GB disk space just to update this POS.

Fuck you Apple.

  • 2
    With both, slow internet connection and few space, I hate this so much.

    I need to plan a whole day to update Xcode and set the mac book to never go to hibernate because otherwise the download will pause. And my internet is blocked for the whole day.
  • 0
    Welcome to hell.

    Be sure to update everything (including your code) in 12 months time when everything gets updated again.
  • 3
    It's all natural, they want to sell you a bigger SSD.
  • 0
    My main partition on my fast computer does not even have so much space.

    The disk on my slow computer has less space in total.
  • 1
    Maybe 12.7GB of special Apple flash are worth 65GB of regular flash. At least price-wise.
  • 0
    @ojt-rant updating the code was required at the time between Swift 1 and Swift 3. It‘s simply not true anymore.
  • 0
    I never used xcode. What can you do with that ?

    I know my Visual 2022 takes around 80 GB, but I have everything from c/c++ dev to Unity 3D, Xamarine, cloud and SQL. So to me 80 GB seems fait, as long as I can do whatever I want without needed another tool
  • 0
    It‘s an IDE and also a compiler and build tool, and it ships with emulators and dev tools. Everything that you need to develop apps for all of Apple‘s platforms.
    The size makes sense.
    The problem is you can‘t simply download a small update. You need to download the whole thing again for each new (minor) version.
  • 0
    @Lensflare My Linux IDE (konsole, tmux, vim, gcc, bash, python, make, sqlite, mysql, qemu, ...) is less than 8GB.
  • 1
    I recommend using xcodes instead of App Store to download Xcode.

  • 0
    @athlon thanks for the link, it might become useful if I need to have multiple versions of Xcode.

    But it doesn‘t look like it solves the problem of having to download the full Xcode app for each update.
  • 1
    @Lensflare yeah, but it downloads if FASTER than the App Store. Alternatively, go to Xcode’s official website and do the direct download: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
  • 2
    It just works*

    *provided you have good internet, low temperature and humidity, want to do something they specifically designed for, don't mind replacing every last item you own with theirs, don't interact with people who use non-apple products, have the right sized hands not to cover the receivers and are willing to carry a large box of converters at all times.

    But at least they last a while. When they don't have fundamental design flaws, that is.
  • 0
    @catgirldev that’s a shame because apart from that size problem, it‘s a very good IDE.
    I‘m comparing to Visual Studio and Android Studio (jetbrains). Never tried AppCode, though.
  • 0
    Still in disbelief that I have to pay money to distribute my free to play game.

    Also Xcode sucks
  • 0
    @dontbeevil On Windows store you don't have that smug ass smiley face telling you it will not let you do something
  • 0
    @Lensflare until Swift 4
  • 0
    @ojt-rant IIRC, with Swift 4 you had the option to stay on Swift 3 or upgrade to 4. It was not possible to stay on 2 or 1 though.
  • 0
    @catgirldev we don’t fucks with Apple this is the way
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