Yes, this is actually a real thing.

I wonder in what you learn in the prerequisite "Keyboard and Mouse skills" class if this one teaches you how to type and delete text...

  • 4
    Bah. Mice are for people who don't know how to use a terminal or a WM like i3, or for graphics designers. :"p A mouse just slows me down.
  • 7
    Please tell me that isn't real. Are people really this incompetent? I open up cmd.exe at school and people accuse me of "hacking the servers".
  • 9
    Please, folks, be humble. There are a lot of people out there (although they get fewer each day) who have not been required to use a computer. If your keyboard experience is limited to that of a type writer, and isn't used to a mouse on a graphical computer environment, it will take some time to get the hang of it, especially if you are a "senior citizen".
  • -1
    Shit, Im not qualify for this ->
    MS word -> nah...
    Mouse skill require -> fuck mouse, ditching mouse at all cost.
    (i3, tmux, and tui, cli stuff)
    (Using a flash drive -> I don't know anyone who cant mount flash drive & plug in their usb port)
    Is this a joke?
  • 0
    fuck...its real..😂
  • 2
    @Jop- I saw the list, and again, be humble. Just because we think this is so simple, there are people out there who do not. I have lived long enough to know how it feels to be put in situations where you are considered an idiot, just because you haven't learned things yet. I see that the "course" is held in a public library. I believe that says it all on the target of the course.
  • 0
    @DewWisp Same here, pisses me off so much... (Even though I did need to make a tiny bypass to get to the command prompt but hey screw it...)
  • 0
    I think this is more a skills class for homeless people/old people without kids or grandkids. Opening Microsoft word could be the skill that gets a homeless dude a decent-paying job 👍
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