
Ever since i added cloudflare to my site i get this error. everything exploded and the site no longer loads (i had to set cloudflare so i can use gitbook docs so im forced to use cloudflare even tho i dont want to use it). Anyone had this problem before and knows a fix?

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    Are you using DNs proxy?
    Do you have SSL in full mode, and have a cert on host?

    Did you enable cloudflare firewall rules, and block yourself... done it myself once.

    Have you tried via another network?
    Have you tried same network different device?

    There's so many "why don't this work" possibilities to get though.

    Otherwise, what's the url?
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    @C0D4 i just followed the guides from namecheap and cloudflare. The site is deployed by vercel. I even put Full Strict mode on cloudflare and didnt work. Vercel installed lets encrypt SSL. So i think cloudflare is trying to install its own SSL and theres a conflict, it cant because vercel already did it? I have no clue. However i tried disabling cloudflare proxy on all C Name and A Name DNS routes and all of a sudden everything works again. So i guess cloudflare has been deepthroating namecheap and vercel. Now my site is working, still linked through cloudflare DNS servers but without cloudflare proxy enabled
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    @b2plane probably an issue with the SSL cert cloudflare is trying to create, or there's an issue on the let's encrypt one.

    Basically cloudflare cert terminates at cloudflare, then uses your own ssl cert the rest of the journey in proxy mode.

    Try turning the Full mode to another mode with proxy mode on and see if that helps, this will tell you if the vercel cert is the problem or not.
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    @C0D4 it says Safari can't. That means the first point it tries to connect to: cloudflare fails. Everything beyond that point doesn't matter.

    Looks like the config isn't finished yet somehow. I haven't used cloudflare but I know you need to use their NS. And the A/AAA records for your site need to point correctly to them (in the cloudflare DNS management).
    The switch should be in configuring the NS at namecheap do not configure your A/AAA records on namecheap to point to anything different than was working.
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    Some missconfig somewhere.

    We cant guess, you should tell us how you did it.
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