
Time to say no to artificial intelligence, tried ChatGPT today and it's frightening.

The day when we won't consider nukes as the biggest threat to our civilization is approaching exponentially faster and faster and this is really worrying.

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    It’s inevitable, unfortunately. We are doomed.
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    Ignorabimus was never an answer, not even with nuclear fission.
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    Yeah stop using your laptops, your car, your mobile too. Or just give it to someone else who need it more.
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    nukes never were the biggest thread to civilisation.

    civilisation is.
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    This chat bot is nothing more than a Chinese box. It has no cognition whatsoever. It just makes an output from input.
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    Sooo what does this one do more than the Cleverbot ?

    From the answers on questions, not very much it seems...
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    I see that the same existential that recently plagues the art community is now starting to creep into the dev community.

    I'm telling you, these AI approaches are not good enough to fully replace anyone. This is to be used as a tool/helper, not to replace a human and it will definitely not rise up.

    The way Machine Learning currently works is strictly not allowing it to think creatively outside of it's training data. It can transition smoothly in the bounds of what it knows, but it can never exceed them. For example, every time a new JavaScript framework shows up, the AI will be useless for months or maybe years until enough data is available to re-train it including the new framework. And you will need people to generate that data in the first place.

    You can extrapolate this to any topic, any approach and any new discovery apart from those made by the AI itself, which will be little without human intervention.
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    @tosensei agree.

    There are no problems, just People.
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    Oh ffs not this AI will take over the world non sense again. There is really a lack of understanding of ML in the world…
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    XYZ will be the end of world
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    @PAKA can you Link me this image full résolution ? For my wallpapers collection
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    Can someone explain to me what is happening in that image that @PAKA has posted? I like it but I would like to understand the meaning.
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    @Lensflare if it recall correctly this was propaganda from a private post service Company campaigning against thé Advent of telephone lines.
    The goal was to shift public opinion so that citizens would ben fearful of telephone lines.

    Could ben electricity as well since it would kill gas/oil/coal supplying companies
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    @Lensflare it's an anti electricity cartoon from 1900 warning people about the "demon of electricity" that will kill all people and end the world. Seems like it didn't happen but who knows, we still got time
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    @NeatNerdPrime I just googled "anti electricity propaganda" and took the first one that came up in graphics
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    Won't let me try
    Let me sign up and then ding.
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    I think society remains safe from robots
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    @AvatarOfKaine Sadly not save for all humans...

    Managed to crash the session a few times because it couldn't answer my question. Stupid robots
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    It’s never that technology brought about the fall of civilizations, but that civilizations failed to modernize and became extinct. While we can’t rule out some human extinction event in the future, the past points to this being unlikely. The greater possibility in mass upheaval and reordering of society like the fall of the western Roman Empire, the enlightenment, or the ongoing process of decolonization. But AI could bring about some as of yet unknown change to the west. It could either be the second age of the labor movement or something else we have not considered.
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