
Does chat gpt recognize german and use german to respond me or does german just trigger it's nodes in a way the answer must be german?

What if you mix 3 languages in your message?

  • 2
    Not sure, but when you think about it, the network doesn't need to understand languages, just the encoder and decoder do. I suspect that's what happening. Either there is language recognition that swaps the right encoding logic (in which case mixing might not work unless its word or sentence based), or the encoders are large enough to encode multiple languages (in which case mixing doesn't matter)

    But I don't really know
  • 2
    your first question reads like "does it do X, or does it do X in this specific way?"

    and your second: try what happens?
  • 0
    Try it yourself. It's free. But requires registration with your email and phone.

    I asked the bot yesterday what languages it supports and it said that English only
  • 1
    @netikras does it answer Lithuanian only if you ask the same question in Lithuanian?
  • 3
    @electrineer I stand corrected. It can speak Lithuanian :D
  • 0
    @netikras I grow increasingly worried about our future
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