What a fucking year it's been.. and it's only the 4th.

Let's see, I've just split up with my girlfriend of more than 4 years (and she's still living with me), my car got whacked by golf ball sized hail stones (and it's not insured), my back verandah at home turns into a swimming pool with heavy rain (and SA is having record high rainfall this season), and I haven't slept since Sunday night.

FML. 🤦 I need a holiday after the holidays..

  • 0
    Car insurance is usually mandatory, mind if I ask where you live? Simple curiosity
  • 0
    @ess3sq in some countries, it is.. here in South Africa, it's only required if a vehicle is financed by a bank (my Accord is full paid off).

    Problem is, the last 2-odd years have been absolute hell on my finances and, ironically, I can't afford the monthly payments for comprehensive insurance.
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    @Nanos I like your thought process, and can't help but agree with you.. with that said, it is kinda complicated.

    There is a silver lining though, now that I think of it.. 🤔 compared to the past year that we've been together, nothing much actually changed when we "broke up". Suffice to say, nothing "relationship" related was happening anyway.

    But yeah, she actually doesn't have anywhere to go right now. And she's epileptic. Oh yeah, and our cats (2 each) have become their own little family too..

    I've found myself a whole new level of "complicated" with this one.
  • 3
    @ess3sq In most countries mandatory car insurance is for traffic incidents, not hail
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    @PAKA that's a good point, I guess that's what we in SA would call "this party, fire, and theft" insurance. Oh the other hand, "comprehensive" insurance would cover hail damage...
  • 0
    @PAKA fair enough
  • 0
    So.. things happened, and things were said, culminating in "you don't want me in your life, so get the fuck out of mine", and.. well.. she's gone now. 🤔😕

    Feels kinda liberating..? In a twisted kinda way? Time will tell.

    Thanks for all the supportive comments, by the way.. nice to know there are still some decent people left in the world. 🖖
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