is angular dying?

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    It's not
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    Angular is very behind. They spent years writing their stupid ivy compiler. Now, they just started fixing old bugs and DX issues.

    People choose angular for stupid reasons and angular OOP imperative codebases always need more devs to maintain. Porting to any other frontend frameworks will require programming paradigm shift. Angular will never die as long as Java/c# are alive.
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    @h3rp1d3v angular gave me the reason why to enjoy coding in js. And when i say js i mean typescript because its similar to java syntax
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    Life is just a slow process of dying.
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    @h3rp1d3v what does java or c# have to do with angular?
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    @b2plane if typescript borrows ideas from some other language its is C# since both c# and typescript was created by the same person, that also was behind turbo pascal, Anders Hjelsberg.

    But typescript as such has nothing to do with angular except that angualr switched to use typescript instead of vanilla js.
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    @Voxera not sure what @h3rp1d3v means when they say “angular will never die as long as Java/C# are around”
    Maybe because Java/C# devs’ go-to frontend framework is Angular, with OOP and strong typing with TS (I know most other frameworks allow you to use TS as well)
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    dunno. but using it feels like dying, so at least it's pretty close.
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    Nope, not at all.
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    @Voxera All other frontend frameworks moved onto functional/reactive programing except for angular. Vue was using class syntax to attract OOP people now everything is just function. Java/C# people don't have to learn functional programming when they work with angular
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    @MeowHeart by people I mean stupid corporations. sorry
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    Seems like it’s going strong for everyone who uses it - and never existed for the people who don’t.
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    @bigmonsterlover and so is angular. Thread solved.
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    Interesting discussion about the connection between Angular and OOP. Personally never really thought of OOP devs as being desperate for a framework with classes for the actual view components. I figure they would be fine with render-functions.

    I just assumed I've seen Angular in so many C# projects partially due to timing and early TS support, and people just sticking to it for a long time. Plus the structure with services being slightly reminiscent of asp.net
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    @jiraTicket might be familiarity bias. I'm much more inclined to OOP than functional and i do like angular for the structure, but it's more about architecture than paradigm for me. angular cli is very good at organizing everything automatically into neat little folders and i feel a visceral disgust for how react mixes html in js files. could be an OOP thing though, i started programming with C# after all
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    @darksideofyay Agree. Being used to separation of views, logic and styling is probably a big reason many preferred Angular and said "yuck, php:ish" to React. their push for styled components didn't help to attract those who wanted separate style files.
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    @h3rp1d3v Personally I tested angualar but settled for react, and preferably function components, not class. With the new hooks its very good.

    Angualr is just to opinionated.
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    @jiraTicket most oop devs I worked with don't understand the value of unidirectional data flow, immutables, explicit mutations, single source of truth.

    States are always scattered and duplicated.

    When oop people code in react, they always use useState + useEffect instead of useMemo. They put for loop in function body and do all sort of mutations. Then when things go wrong they blame react.

    The same programing style works with angular. Sort of. But devs need to deal with all the usual oop issues and JS/TS/angular specific bugs. Most importantly, OOP/zonejs doesn't handle state propagation.

    JSX is bad and angular template is way worse.

    If you separate CSS html and JS, dynamic style will always be painful. Angular doesn't even separate CSS/JS/html. The template DSL is just horrible to work with.

    If you truly care about 'separation of concerns', you should probably go with presentational/smart component.
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    @darksideofyay you need NX/storybook/tailwind to organize your code. Don't think angular CLI offers any code organization features. With angular module system, it's easier to make a mess.
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    @h3rp1d3v "JSX is bad and angular template is way worse."

    What's your favourite template engine(s)?
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    @jiraTicket JSX 🤣
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