Just had another developer tell the team that the requirements “contradicted” his implementation. I think, if you’ll let me check my fuckstick-to-English dictionary… yeah, that just means “I did it wrong and I don’t feel like fixing it.”

  • 6
    Code first, Then check the req?

    fukin 🤡🤡🤡🤡!
  • 3
    The implementation:

    print("I don't want to do this shit.")
  • 5
    What a goof.

    Just a tidbit though: I recently had a similar situation happen to me. The requirement was to add a feature to project A that "works exactly like the feature on project B" followed by a list of requirements of stuff we THOUGHT was in project B.

    Me coming back from holiday: "some things on this list contradict how the feature in project B works" 🤷‍♂️

    (but of course I added "perhaps you wanna scratch the sentence about how you want it to be exactly like project B...or want to add changes to both B and A"
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