Helpful work advice then: “work hard and we will notice your successes and improvement, we believe in you”

Helpful work advice now: “Evil corporate mfs. Nefarious manipulators trying to fuck you. They want to destroy you and milk the last drop from your pathetic spirit. They would watch you burn in a pit of acid for entertainment. Get the bag and get out fam.”

  • 11
    They would even steel your croissant and just throw it away so you can't have it. True story
  • 5
    @retoor MY SANDWITCH??!!!?????
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  • 3
    @retoor they make you feel like you can’t eat croissants in public without feeling shameful and lazy
  • 5
    That's the advice nowadays, yes. But is it that helpful though? Although a
    I quit some iobs myself after being pissed off i have grown the feeling that, with our attitude af canceling and running away from everything unpleasant, instead of staying, fighting and trying to improve our situation, we are part of the problem. Sure, there is always a better alternative out there, sure. But with every runaway we also admit our impotence of actually *change* things.
  • 2
    @horus but give me hard evidence as to why the “staying and fighting” method would be of any help

    The whole belief in that white collar corporate “work super hard and get super invested” method is just based on lies and hypotheticals. On the other hand, getting as much money out of the corporate system without trying to hard actually works.

    Blue collar work is different though.
  • 2
    @chonky-quiche ask me in a couple of weeks. I am trying atm.
    But why aren't there programmer unions for example? Why do IT always act as if labour right don't count for them? Because with every runaway we get weaker although it might me the best decision for that individual in this specific situation most of the time.

    I have no idea what white collar, blue collar means btw, am no native speaker.
  • 2
    @horus devRant is the only programming union you need. Besides that, I was always proud that we didn't have one. It means that we do not have much to complain in comparison with other jobs
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    @chonky-quiche especially if you're eating alone and offering it to bitchy hags
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    @retoor or that we devs not professional enough to realise we need one...
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    @retoor @MammaNeedHummus I feel as if we need a union moreso for software ethics and stability of quality - and an added plus of a positive work environment for all members of tech related jobs
  • 3
    @chonky-quiche amen! Let's start one! 🪖🎖️💪
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus bitchy hags that want you to die alone. I have heard about such hags a while ago
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