
So a few weeks ago I wiped my MacBook Pro to regain some space and speed, it wasn't really that slow I just had the disk partitioned into two installments of MacOS. When I erased the disk I thought the secure thing to do would be to set the format to journaled, encrypted rather than just journaled. Everything was working fine, there seemed to be this weird step of login when I restarted but whatever, except iCloud Drive. On my iMac it works fine but for whatever reason my MacBook Pro doesn't want to download custom folders (ones that aren't created by an app and don't have an app icon on folder icon) from my account despite them being clearly available in iCloud.com. So after this much time of messing with it I'm wiping my MacBook Pro again and formatting it as journaled (not encrypted). Wish me luck...

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    I needed this 👍🏼. I'm about to do the same in a week or two.
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    @badcopnodonuts it still doesn't even work, I'm updating to DEVELOPMENT MacOS to try and see if they fixed it. If it works then there is a problem with MacOS Sierra. I also didn't want to have to download all my apps again so I restored from a backup which could be causing the problem.
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    Update: had to wipe the machine again. Ended up reinstalling Yosemite through internet recovery. Once iCloud Drive was working and fully downloaded I upgraded straight to High Sierra (Dev beta 2). Everything is working fine now 😬😓🙂
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