Is anyone making any new Torrent clients lately? Havent seen any new names since the age-old kings BitTorrent/uTorrent .-.

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    Utorrrent and Transmission were my favourites
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    Bitorrent is not as popular as it used to be.
    Also - no money in it.
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    uTorrent Web is what I use.

    Ah crap, I shouldn't say that. Well anyway.
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    @asgs still using utorrent/bittorrent :3 but they extra bloated with ads now -.- to the point the program hangs and crashes
    @magicMirror I still use em :/ but yes def less money, they overcompensating for lack of "pro" users with ads now
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    @Sid2006 browser persistent utorrent? ._. I cud never trust it for 70gb 4k videos
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    Hasn't uTorrent been full of ads and crap for a decade? I've used qBittorrent for my Linux ISOs.
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    @azuredivay download 1080p porn videos then.
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    People still torrent?

    BitTorrent purchased ūtorrent years ago and filled it with ads.

    QTorrent and Transmission are ok, Tixati was still usable and reliable last time I used it.

    But I feel torrents went the way of Limewire / Kazaa years ago, should be almost time for the next generation of sailing the seven seas.
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    I still use torrents as well. I just wish utorrent android client still worked.
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    @C0D4 Limewire... that were good times xD
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    @Sid2006 Why is that ? Don't you use torrents to transfer large files ? Not everything is illegal on there 🤣
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    @C0D4 Kazaa! Those where the times.
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    Deluge ftw
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    I use deluge and transmission, both are pretty unreliable but one of them works most of the time.
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    Deluge bandwagon here.
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    There are so many bittorret clients out there - what do you miss?
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    @azuredivay try qbittorrent
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    y'all old-timers really blew this up 😤
    If ive time beyond the iFrame-thingy project im working on + work, I might make a new Windows-only client with WinUI3 + ways to push ppl to torrent more of their files. But looking at my backlog it looks farish-away ~_~

    @iiii it's QT-based tho T__T
    @Oktokolo I miss birth of new ones :/ usually they signify a thriving ecosystem, lack of em is worrisome
    @CoreFusionX @lorentz @retoor I never even heard of deluge ._. until I looked It up, guess all aint lost
    @C0D4 + torrents are way more reliable, probably coming from the old days of GPRS where a tethered connection interrupting meant a failed download, torrent was a life saver, I wont let it die -..-
    @electrineer yes, for as long as I remember, least they cud do is make it not-crash coz ads :v
    @Sid2006 I wont betray lil-azure this way 😪
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    @JS96 make "reply" append the username in the end! + a new-line
    going down the comments replying in 1 reply appends em n ive to cut-paste each time -,- //uwp
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    @azuredivay Birth of new clients isn't the best metric for measuring ecosystem health.

    But you are right - Bittorrent had a huge hit because mainstream piracy basically died when media platforms and steam got so damn convenient and had all that juicy sales.

    The media corps are all doing their own exclusive streaming services now and AAA game studios got absurdly greedy recently though. Economy isn't also not looking that great. Together, these factors might have the potential to make Bittorrent great again.
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    @azuredivay so? It works well.
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