
I don't know what shall be the hill I die on, the subject my children and I will never agree, the thing that will make future generations condemn mine as irredeemable bigots.
I am sure I have no idea what currently ridiculous notion will be the one I shall be thought as a dinosaur for refusing to accept.
I guess it will have something to do with AI.
Nevertheless, I say for sure:

  • 2
    refrigerators too... what would they vote for anyway, better electricity... more of it and free time to use it for their needs... oh wait, there 'desires' r to serve us...
  • 4
    Carbrains are already destroying our cities and our planet.
  • 1
    @stop that's not fair... they just want to clean some space for their offspring ;}
  • 4
    @We3D , dude, @stop is right - in the US at least most cities are designed to serve their most desirable citizens - the cars.
    Think parking requirements that shrink human habitations to give more spaces to car housing, consider that 80% of public spaces are plain roads or at least asphalt-covered, and that autonomous car laws do not punish the car companies even when their offspring kills humans.
    Saying it while I still can: a car should not be president.
  • 2
    @JsonBoa I was just joking ( not even a driver ) and I've seen enormous parking lots in the US, but even in small countries like mine the situation is out of control already... cars everywhere...
  • 2
    @We3D less smelly cheese
  • 1
    "Cars don't kill people!"
  • 0
    Thx for approving.

    Also, because it's you, have a seconds :
    "They can guzzle my fuel.
    By my cold dead tires!"
  • 0
    @scor noope, can't compile that...

    it returns unknown err at line 1.5...
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