
Try Debian, they said.
Best env?
Live it is!
[literally days of debian update error research]
Oh wait, not 12, we meant 11.7
Okay, bullseye it is then.
Download 11.7, not 12 bookworm
[same errors]
pkg pgp dkpg sudo wtf
187 help pages later
54 su / sudo pastes later

[same errors]

*more help pages*
*yes, limited search to last month, year*

[same errors]

Learnt so much!

. . .

  • 0
    What are you trying to do? As a debian afficionado in have near zero issues with anything. Apt is your friend, man pages are useful. Stability over new bells and whistles.
    And with any system prototype, vagrant ftw.
  • 0
    I feel your pain
  • 0
    i'm using their unstable branch repos, and i'm not even having this much of an issue. How did you manage this?
  • 0
    Sounds like an IBK issue.
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