
Hi. I'm a recent senior dev and for a long time, even before reaching senior, I'm always being overloaded with questions and meets everytime. People asking why are the services returning error (when they could at least make the first analysis and give it to me), asking me to join meets for whatever the reason, people asking how to configure environments, interns asking for help, HR asking for interns feedback. So much workload I can't even focus on the actual developments. Is this the real meaning of a senior dev? Or is this just bad management and bad company culture?

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    Bad management. Red flags and alarms everywhere.

    What you should do is start timing and logging your day-to-day activities. Hourly even.

    So when shit goes down you at least have something to show for.

    Responsibilities are there for sure, but you need something to show your higher ups why your productivity is taking a hit.
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    @Sid2006 I am already complaining for at least 2 years now that the team is too short. I was alone at the backend for more than half an year. I'm always seeing very experienced developers running for their life and once a higher manager told me it was normal to have more work that you can handle. I almost always deliver everything on time but to do that I have to multitask most of the time between developing, talk to people and attend to meets. I almost had several burnouts through the last years but since this is the only job I worked on and people here make to believe it is normal to have this workload I thought this was just it. I appreciate your feedback. I believe now this is time for change and look for a new job.
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    @Nanos yeah I'm complaining about it for a very long time but they never get solutions. I think that work until almost burnout to make delivers on time make management ignore my complains. This is the only job I had until now and I just wanted to make sure this was not the normal standard for the industry. Thanks for your input
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    @Nanos Unfortunately I think that join people to ask for a change is not viable but I guess I could tell them that I'll leave if they do nothing. I think they don't want to take the loss. Also, you seem a nice person to work with :)
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    Yea that's garbage management. Some places are just absolutely terrible about meetings. I worked at a place once where everyone from the interns to the CEO was dealing with the situation you are describing
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    Not sure if you use Teams/Outlook but if you are I recommend turning on Focus mode to keep yourself distracted from other people and they'll also get an notice that you won't be available. Start by cutting off some noise from your day-to-day, most of the time people will eventually solve it without you, it's part of their job aswell after all.
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    If you stay somewhere too long and you get a reputation as the guy who "knows everything", you'll be inundated with stuff like this and never actually get anything done. It's a sad side effect of being useful.

    Thing is, if you raise the issue they might *say* that they'll put things in place to stop it, and get you back into your work - but it never really works, and it's only ever a temporary fix before the next round of questions start.

    Good news though is that if you're this person, you're probably very good at what you do, and will have no problem starting over somewhere else where you can actually concentrate on what you enjoy doing.
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