
Motherfucking Microsoft piece of shit. Next time I hear someone talk anything other than trash about Windows 10 I'm gonna bash his head in. Over one week of rendering gone because the Microsoft motherfuckers decided that they can restart whenever they want. Installing wanna cry is less destructive than this virus sold as an operating system. People liking this Win10 shit must be really REALLY fucking stupid. Fuck you

  • 8
    I like windows 10.

    I hate the fuck out of the update strategy.

    Bring back win7 updates where I can choose what and when and can tell how big these updates are without trawling through random MS web pages to find out what I am unwillingly installing.
  • 16
    Your computer took a week to render something?

    Sounds like you need to break it up a bit.
  • 2
    Leaving this here for @dontbeevil ~
  • 2
    Let's all go back to Windows 98, clearly that was a functional OS.
  • 9
    One week for rendering? You have much bigger problem to take care of rather than blaming updates.

    Btw, i have successfully kept my Windows 10 machine running for an intensive task for over a month without any restart or update things. Using WiFi and enabling metered connection would prevent update download in the first place
  • 2
    @spongessuck @SoulSkrix yup. Technically it's not my render, I gave my gf access to a PC that I don't use to run some.
  • 2
    @ClemFrieckie I don't babysit something that I know will take a lot of time to finish. So no, setting that bullshit will not resolve the problem of malicious reboots. I don't want it to reboot, ever.
  • 2
    @Nebyular well, it was certainly more functional than this garbage
  • 5
    @HoloDreamer Thanks for the tip, I guess I'll just block it on the firewall. The reason why something (render or something else) takes one week or one month or 10 years is not relevant. It's my fucking PC not Microsoft's and I want it to work 24/7 until I decide otherwise. Apparently this piece of shit is not capable of that and is targeted to some other use scenarios
  • 1
    I've never had a problem with windows updates (well, scheduling them), I always choose a time, and it works.
  • 4
    @calmyourtities how about I choose never? Or I don't get to decide that?
  • 2
    @pajaja theres no choice for never per say, but it's windows, you'll find some bug that will help with that 😉
  • 1
    @pajaja just delay updates when doing critical work . I think it's a bit more then a month. (can't remember)
  • 3
    "Update available, when do you want to update?"
    - now
    - in 1 hour
    - in 2 hours
    - in 5 hours
    - tomorrow
    - in a week
    - next millenia

    (or something like this xD)
  • 1
    @BambuSource what is security anyway 🤔
  • 1
    @orto security is knowing that your PC will work as expected and that your data is safe. In case of Windows 10, you get more security if you install wanna cry instead of it. At least you can, maybe, pay to get your data back
  • 1
    @dontbeevil if I this is not meant to be humorous I'm not sure I understand your comment
  • 1
    @dontbeevil oh ok, I misunderstood that you were talking about my situation. I don't dislike Microsoft that much, I liked Win7 a lot but this updates thing just drives me crazy
  • 0
    @pajaja You can disable the windows update service and you won't be bothered by reboots. Just remember to turn it back on every once in a while when you *want to* update.

    This kept me relatively sane since the windows 10 upgrade...
  • 0
    One of the upcoming updates would fix this restart issue you have. Go look for it, dont know when it will be available.
  • 2
    Thanks for the info, I actually look forward to restarting after that update :D
  • 6
    I have had the misfortune of being hit by a random 'update restart' by Windows 10. I was transferring a 50GB-ish zip file from a USB to my PC to have a secondary copy of the zip. I started the process and was working on going through video tutorials when suddenly I had a pop-up saying the PC was going to reboot in 10 minutes, the file transfer said it had 09:30-09:45 left. Sweating bullets I closed everything else to try and give the little 2nd gen i3 all the processing power possible to race against the clock.

    Windows rebooted on me and I had to restart the file transfer all over again. It really is a fucking horrible update system/process. Luckily, I didn't lose anything but about 70 minutes of my time to have to restart the copy job.
  • 2
    @dontbeevil Whether it's a 'sport' or not, people should be free to rant about whatever motherfucking thing they want. Yeah you might get critisizm or so but that's part of the process :).
  • 2
    Regardless of anything, no system (consumer systems at least imo) should forcefully reboot. If it's to save the system, fair enough. If it's for updates, nope. It should be the users choice imho. You can advice the users of course or create selectable options which users can click but that's still leaving it in the users' hands!
  • 1
    @ClemFrieckie I have had Windows 10 try to update within active hours because I didn't use my PC for 5 minutes. It even started a 15 minute countdown timer. This was in the past few months as well on Windows 10 Pro. It also happened on another machine at the exact same time within my house.
  • 0
    Open Services and Disable Windows Update, permanently.
  • 1
    Okay, you want a response? Here you go:

    Windows 7 on the same lappy with the same hardware exhibits none of the problems. Win10 on the same lappy with normal laptop hd instead also exhibits all of those same problems. Ergo, it's not the hardware. It's windows 10. I've said this the entire time. I really am capable of basic troubleshooting and deductive reasoning. 😞

    I've basically stopped responding to you because you can't seem to accept that Windows 10 could even possibly be at fault for anything other than maybe some restarts. It's annoying.

    Anyway, I'm just going to install Mint and be done with it. Might be annoying to get the drivers working linux, though.
  • 0
    So, another render stopped by Win10. This time (for people that were blaming the slow hardware last time instead of malicious software) it was rendering on dual Xeon 2690s. Started reinstalling machines with Windows 7.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil My guess so far is because someone at Microsoft thinks that installing updates is more important than users work?
  • 0
    @dontbeevil No, no, it's a different machine, but still updates.
  • 0
    I am utterly disappointed that a government authority has not followed up on the many class-action suits against Microsoft over forced updates. By folloiwing up, I mean point to legislation that stops it and in turn sue the fuck out of MS for the countless wasted hours this shit causes. IMO a machine systematically rebooting itself whenever the fuck it wants is a breach of users trust. Death by hanging to the arse-clowns who have instructed the implementation of such a system.
  • 1
    Yes! YEs!! YES!!!

    FUCK microsoft scam.

    I am moving my last box to Linux.

    Why does not everyone do that?
  • 0
    Windows 10 tries to update my laptop every day. It fails and crashes into a boot loop every day. The options to adjust update times and disable through Settings does not exist for some reason anymore. I've tried disabling through "Computer Configuration" through "Group Policy Editor" and by renaming the reboot file. Nothing works, it is so determined to update and can't even successfully do it. So ya, I agree that Windows 10 is a piece of shit. Also seen the effectiveness of Word and Outlook decline a lot in recent years, Microsoft ain't what she used to be imo.
  • 0
    Ah so now I can change the update time, but that's useless too because if set for the middle of the night while the computer is off, it'll just do it automatically the next time I turn it on. There is no option to defer, when it wants to update it says it is doing it very soon, and the only option I'm given is to instead do it this very instant. Definitely a piece of shit.
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer Stop sucking Microsoft's cock. They are shit and you know it. Go ahead, LICK THE CORPORATE BOOT. We all know that Bill Gates is Jeffrey Epstein's personal cock sleeve, and is apart of the new world order. You are bowing down to his propaganda and ABSOLUTE LIES! Brain washing the youth like the pedophile he is. YOU ARE BEING SUBLIMINALLY BRAINWASHED. Find a fucking brain stem.
  • 0
    I don't know if I suffer from Stockholm syndrome with Windows. After 6 years of using a Mac (after previously only using Windows operating systems), I was having regular fits of rage due to the widespread fuckups of either the Mac's software, such as photos, going south in the middle of my adjusting an image, or deleting and replacing apps I was using as a matter of routine. Not to mention every Mac I bought had a 100% failure rate.
    After an initial period of adjustment back to Windows, as much as I want to hurl my laptop across the room (& in fact once I separated the keyboard from the screen after telling it if it didn't behave it would suffer consequences), I have never experienced the depth of rage I did when I owned a Mac. Technology; can't live with it, can't annihilate it.
  • 0
    @sleepe-heavy man you are totally fucking on to the truth.

    F U C K microsoft. F U C K Bill sleeping pill Gates. F U C K Micropenis. I would not be surpised in the least if Bill Gates is the antichrist. I am 100% serious. If you love windows 10 you must love eating shit aswell.
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