
Airports. Please stop using decade old Windows computers. Regards.

  • 7
    Imagine they start using Windows 10 that reboots 37154 times a day to install updates.
  • 2
    Here in Portugal (where I am at the moment, love the country at this time of year), some ATMs still use Windows CE with lots of patches. However, most of them are already equipped with Windows XP.

    I have heard from some friends that ATMs in Germany and Austria are very similar:)

  • 1
    Banks please stop using Windows XP and Printers from 200X era!
  • 3
    How about please stop using Windows computers at all?
  • 1
    <rant angry-level="0.4">
    What about stop being dick and admit that Linux isn't always the way to go.
  • 2
    @hitzoR I said nothing about Linux. I just think Windows is the shittiest operating system for a number of reasons. Sorry if that makes me a dick…?
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    @devios1 @hitzoR Why do you think Windows 10 now has the Linux subsystem? Because they're fucking afraid of Linux.

    As soon as important programs run on Linux, no one needs Windows. I consider Adobe CS (Photoshop, Indesign,...) as an important example. Also the whole gamers for whom Linux is not yet an alternative.

    Once this runs on Linux, Windows is history. And Microsoft knows that.
  • 0
    @tracktraps So true. They pretend to be all friendly with Linux with their "Microsoft ❤️ Linux" crap but in truth they're deathly afraid of it. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right?
  • 1
    @dontbeevil "ms haters are so funny". I don't hate Microsoft, not at all. They have many good products. Only Windows (and a few other things) are junk. VSCode as an example, is a very good product.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I don't hate Microsoft anymore. I used to, back in the 90s when I considered them the evil empire, but now I just consider them sad. They steal more ideas than they come up with themselves and tend to do a pretty shoddy job of it too.
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    @dontbeevil one os that runs everwhere - it's a joke, right? Have you forgotten Windows RT?
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    @dontbeevil Come on, UWP sucks my balls. I don't know much about the rest. HoloLens seems cool, but it's still just a research project.

    Windows, Xbox, Zune, Bing, Cortana, the Microsoft Store…
  • 1
    @dontbeevil That's one too many malicious reboots considering that no other operating system does that, including other OSes from Microsoft. Windows 10 is literally a trojan horse.
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    @devios1 Bing is crap. Cortana is crap. Zune is dead.
  • 0
    I just started reading about UWP and this is a quote from MS site:

    "At the core of UWP apps is the idea that users want their experiences to be mobile across ALL their devices, and they want to use whatever device is most convenient or productive for the task at hand."

    And I'm already hating the whole UWP idea. Users want their experiences to be mobile across all their devices? What the fuck? No, people buying Z840 workstations with dual Xeons sure as hell don't want to run the same shitty apps they have on their mobile phones. They have their phones for it. The second sentence basically explains why UWP is a shit concept at it's core (from a users perspective). Of course they want to use a device that is most convenient for the task at hand, that's why you make it for that device. This UWP stuff might work for software like minesweeper but you can't use something like Photoshop or InDesign on mobile or tablet.
  • 0
    And just so I don't hate everything: I like Bing maps :D
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