Should I be optimistic about my profession and growth as an android developer, or should i start gaining experience in other domains?

I am currently a Junior Android Developer in a small company which is a subsidiary of a bigger company (TATA) . I currently hold a working experience of 3+ years but in last 5 years , I have mainly explored Android App development the most. I did courses in it, then internships, then switched jobs to reach a decent salary package (more than INR 10 lakh per annum).

Recently I have been pretty worried regarding my career choices and i can't seem to be optimistic about my role as a mobile engineer. I joined my current company 4 months ago, but my switch this time gave me a hike of -10% (you read that right, it was a negative increment since previous company was asking me to relocate and i had no choice but to take this offer)

This switch made me worried not just because of the salary decrement but as a worthy candidate too. I know my tech stack well , but this time, I had very less options. I feel that the demand of a mobile engineer seems to be very less and I am not sure if its only me or for everyone in the same space as I am.

So , are jobs of Native Android Development really dying? My goal is to reach at premium salaries of INR 80-90 lakhs or 1-2 crores per annum, so can I reach there while just being a good android engineer? I am not sure what to run for. Please help

Some paths that i came to conclusion are for me, based on my limited knowledge are :

CONTINUE ON YOUR PATH : Stay in 1 place , grow as an engineer, get your salary/ role increase slowly and you will probably be able to reach that amount in 5-6 years

SWITCH YOUR PATH TO OTHER TECH SKILL : Do web frontend/backend courses in your free time, then grab a job of 4-6 LPA , start as a basic web dev, grow into senior dev and then reach that amount in 5-6 years (coz frontend/backend devs are the real deal?)

SWITCH YOUR PATH TO HIGHER STUDIES : do courses to crack foreign exam papers, then take out all your savings and got to foreign to pursue some masters in management, then do a job there and get settled / come back to India and grab a better paying job as a manager, then grow/switch into lead managerial roles and earn the goal amount in 5-6 years (coz foreign studies are the real deal/ foreign countries give fair wages to skill?)

GET INTO BUSINESS : start a business of something , grow it, reach that amount in 5-6 years (coz doing business is the real deal and only way to get lots of money in black/white)

Which do you think is the most accurate/realistic?

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    After 3+ yr experience still a junior? Depends on company I guess.

    I would personally not go into web development. That world is crazy.
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    @retoor i had switched 3 companies, so that might be a major reason. But Apart from that, can i do something different to get into more senior roles?
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    @dotenvironment hmm, I just sold myself as senior one day by switching jobs. You can do that too.

    I have no advice, I'm also stuck
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    @retoor yooo feeling yellow? fresh shirt!
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    If you're a junior and want to continue in mobile dev, I'd recommend trying to switch to something like flutter. It seems to be the default these days for app dev, purely because you can compile to Android, iOS or webapp.

    There will always be work in the native Android space too - but that's most likely to be focused on the senior / consultant side of things in the future I would guess.

    Either way though, this industry is one where it's always good to branch out and widen ones skillset, whatever the seniority.
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    @AlmondSauce yeah i really want to pursue mobile dev , mainly because its an end product with which the actual users interact. it also comes down very last in line of development, so a lot of things are already available by the time its required to be developed.

    but my main focus is towards growth : professional and financial. I don't see growth in flutter space: my friends joined that bandwagon and have been struggling for last 2 years. half the time they are consulting me for native domain knowledge.

    i want to earn a good amount of money. from what i know about the classical approach, its job-> then mba -> then management job -> then growing into director roles or becoming ceo of your own startup
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    @fruitfcker can you suggest some things to do in management area which will be considered worthy if i put in a resume? I too am considering doing some management courses from udemy or LinkedIn, but knowing 6 sigma, or other management theory stuff isn't gonna cut off for a good management job opportunity
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    I'd advise removing the word "JUNIOR" from your designation. Dude, you can start calling yourself senior developer tomorrow and there's no way to fact check it. Hell, you can call urself a Project Manager. Start telling your interviewers that you get projects done from ur team under the deadline. Companies love that sentence.

    Edit: I read the whole thing, you make about the same as me dude, holy shit. Good for you.

    Also chasing INR 80-90 lakhs or 1-2 crores per annum? That's a hoax man, don't think those packages are equivalent to dividing it by 12. Throw in stock options, a bunch of additional perks or whatever and the salary you take home will be around 15 lakhs per annum. Remember, CTC !== Take home salary.
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    @Sid2006 100% not a hoax. my friend with whom i eat snacks every evening has shown me his salary slip of 3.8 lakhs per month. He has same work exp as me , but in full stack domain and is working in a very unique but highly used saas product.

    i know that this also makes his package as 45 lakhs per annum, but he also makes around hald of that from freelance which adds his per month account balance by 5-6 lakhs.

    and what about those heavily crowded desi shops in our localities with 5+ workers? they are surely earning this much money easily?

    and people who marry get their family income doubled . i saw a reddit post where a guy was saying that he + his wife are jointly earning 5.8 lakhs per month.

    lastly there are articles about top ceos of tcs, infosys etc every other day telling their annual salary of 30-40 cr. even after esops nd future stock options, surely they will be getting at least 10% of these big values?

    just wanna make a point that 1cr per annum is a small number.
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    @Sid2006 1 cr is not a big number. the question is , if my Doman could help me fetch that much money (*our domain, if you too are a mobile dev nd in the same boat as me)
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    @dotenvironment can't you work with that friend? He can do recommendation
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    I dare say that if you want to continue being a Android developer in a world where all moths go to the flutter/react native/bullshit JavaScript et al flames (omg mah multiplatform), you could focus on library development in java/kotlin/c++.

    In the end, all those multiplatform wrappers rely on native libraries to enable their functionality, and since so many mofos use them and higher ups love them so much, you'll have great job security.
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