Iphone 8, 8+ and X. Rants anyone🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️? I'm just pissed they're trying to imitate Samsung and still claiming "new feature"😒
Drop yours👇👇

  • 2
    They've been copying Android and claiming it's new for years now.

    NFC pay is one of the many examples and the first one to come to my mind lol
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    Are they copying Samsung?

    Did Samsung build a brand new type of OLED screen?

    Did Samsung add new features to the Qi spec?

    Did Samsung build a custom CPU, designed from the ground up to support A.I.?

    No what Samsung built is a phone who's CPU is so shit that a 4 year old iPhone out performs it in JavaScript benchmarks.

    Look at the details and not the headlines before claiming someone copied someone. Headlines say it's all old tech, details show it's re-built from the ground up.
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    To the OLED screen, yes Samsung build it (probably).

    "The downside for Apple will be its sole-supplier reliance on Samsung for these high-volume, high-quality OLEDs, which one analyst is claiming is driving up the cost of the iPhone 8." (Source: https://forbes.com/sites/..., keep in mind that article is 3 days old)
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    @2ndAttmt Samsung is probably the manufacturer. But it's not Samsung's screen. Very big difference
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    I like the iPhone X.
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