
It's official, guys! .NET bool variables can now have only the values true and 1!

  • 18
    You are wrong, it clearly says true OR 1 😈
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    @DeepSpace I said those are the only possible values ;)
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    Been working with ASP.NET Core 2.0 since preview, but I never knew about this groundbreaking change. This is marvellous!
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    .NET is never wrong !!
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    @JohnnyMuen Lol I said it as a joke ! like Customers are never wrong !! 😒 Never mind !!!
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    @JohnnyMuen Care to elaborate on what's wrong with .NET?
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    Finally! Too many negative energies with those Falses
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    @dontbeevil I used to hate .NET because of Microsoft preconceptions, but I've come to appreciate it more and more since I got a job. And during the last year they started to get their shit together with the while ecosystem (.NET Core, .NET Standard and so on), although it might still seem confusing for newcommers.

    Just my $0.02.
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    @JohnnyMuen I'm gonna give you the benefit of the asshole for not backing up your statements with arguments. How do you like them apples?
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    @JohnnyMuen Such a sound argument. Thanks!
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    @runfrodorun You're obviously a far better engineer than myself. I didn't give a shit to demonstrate that .NET/C# is the absolute best for any project, but I did want for that guy to get his head out of his horse's ass and explain himself after making a blatant statement.

    But kudos to you for doing that for him. Now I'll try my best to elaborate on why I think .NET is a GOOD ecosystem for SOME use cases, not the best and definitely not for all. I'll mainly speak from the small experience I have, so bear with me.

    Accessibility. This goes both ways, because if you can have lots of self-thought programmers who lack the basics, writing albeit functional, but ultimately shit code. However, being this easy to get into means that you can jumpstart a project by being more productive. Ease of use is ease of use.

    Cross-platform. And no, it's not strongly tied to the Microsoft ecosystem. See ASP.NET Core running on Kestrel. See Xamarin for cross-platform mobile applications.
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    You mention compiler engineering and deep optimization. You'll have to admit that in many real life scenarios you do not need the lowest level of optimization. Are you building generic API's? Or a solution designed around microservices? I don't see why .NET is not an option. Surely you won't have the most optimized solution, but there are cases when the tradeoff between time & effort is well worth it. Unless you want to overengineer everything.
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    @JohnnyMuen Can you provide some sources please?

    I did a quick search and everything I found said that either ASP.NET was faster or they were about neck and neck. There was only one result in the first page of results that suggested that node was faster.

    My node knowledge is limited so I'm quite interested.
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    @JohnnyMuen As I said, I did Google it so please don't give me that answer.

    As previously pointed out, you've stated a lot of things here but you haven't really backend any of it up or given much explanation other than 'because it is'. I don't intend to come across personal, but you're looking a bit like a mindless Node fanboy at the moment 😛

    As I said, I've not got much node experience so it may very well be faster, please do convince me so.
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