
Code as often as you can. Don't burn yourself out, you don't have to strive for a daily masterpiece, but do something.

You're just starting and these new skills need constant work I you don't want to lose them immediately, so if your company tries to put you on something else that's not your job, don't be afraid to say no. If you start working IT for them "just to help out, just for now", you'll undo all your hard work and have to start again from scratch down the line.

  • 2
    I agree.

    It's so easy for enthusiastic juniors to burn out.
    Grabbing a ticket that a senior said "should take 1 hour", struggling with it for a full day, scared to admit it, trying to finish it after hours. Coming back to work tired the next day and feeling overwhelmed.
  • 1
    @jiraTicket that can be quite a vicious circle, I did it myself. Although due to poor management I was given those tickets.
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