
omg, I hate my managers who always make engineering design decisions, literally, my manager made shortcuts and decisions that I told him not to do, now we have to live with this shit. which can be fine, but then in 1:1 he tells me that I have a short-term vision, I am like hello you stupid piece of shit, don't you remember telling us what to do and we pushed back to you for all the dumb decisions you have made. my manager has no idea about technology and yet people listen to him for engineering decision, stupid.

  • 0
    What the fuck did he say when you retorted?

    Motherfucking asshole wouldn't have had a clue to defend
  • 1
    Literally every fucking time.

    We've started not mentioning design questions in standup (calling each other instead to make these development decisions)
  • 1
    I eat managers for breakfast.
  • 2
    @kiki you must have horrible taste
  • 0
    @kalmyk oh dear this resonates way too well...
    Same situation here. My TL is a know-it-all that excells in telling how we should do things...
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