
I have realized that I'm getting nowhere with my boss with my current attitude.

I want to change strategy, but I find it very hard to bite down my tongue and give up on being logical or the attitude of "be competent, do a good job, or gtfo of my way". Like, it's not my place to fix all the issues, neither am I perfect.

I'm not looking for methods of manipulating him, rather I want to change my own perspective and mindset to something that doesn't make me suffer. At least regarding this one person.

  • 2
    Damn, I'm actually in a similar situation with my team leader... If you have a solution for this, please don't hesitate to share. For now I just take control of things and do it my way, at least that way it gets done.
  • 5
    At work, as an engineer, you should always be thinking about how your skillset can add value to the company (profits). If you believe an action to be valuable but your lead/manager disagrees, they may have more or different information than you.

    Try teaming up.

    Tell them that you believe your ideas add more value to the company then there's, but you might be missing key information. Instead of working against each other, why don't we sit down and fill in all the blanks and see if we can get on the same page.

    After all that, if they still suck, they just suck...
  • 2
    @lungdart your ideas gave me ideas ...
  • 2
    @lungdart solid advice, I'll try take this up!
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