
I have only been working with this open-source tool for 2 weeks, but already found 2 bugs. The maintainer is also nice enough answering questions quickly in the forum and submitting the issues for me.

It's nice to be able to contribute something to the open-source community. Yay for me! 💯

Too bad that next week, I will transfer to another project and stop working with this tool.

  • 2
    Nice maintainer of a open source project, really ? Which project is it ??
  • 2


    I have also asked something about a lib specific feature once during my uni days for another open source lib. The maintainers there were also nice, answering my questions.

    Of course not all maintainers are like this, but so far my experience dealing with them are pretty good.
  • 1
    @cho-uc You are one hell of a lucky person
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