

Keeping the sponge in the sink is like keeping the pick in the guitar.

  • 4
    I'm not sure if you're pro-sinksponge or against sinksponge. But I like to keep my sponge on the rim and not in the sink, cause then I have to fish it out from under all the plates >:c and it's all wet, soaked with oils and squished up...

    Though I did use to keep my pick tangled in my guitar strings, does that count as "in the guitar" or did you mean inside the sound hole of an acoustic guitar?
  • 3
    I only use diskborste. Sorry. Also I keep my pick inside my piano.
  • 2
  • 1
    @Hazarth I'm firmly against sinksponge, the comparison was to keeping the pick in the sound hole.
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded I don't trust that the plates are clean if they weren't wiped with something soft. Scourers and brushes are for the hard bits.
  • 0
    @lorentz Why would you use a pick?

    And you are accusing us of not being a devloper?
  • 0

    No one accused you of anything. Now shoo
  • 0
    @athzitssiawuy !dev is an off-topic marker on DevRant, since the topic of the forum is dev.
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