
An underestimated security threat are developers who betray their users by making software less useful with updates, discouraging users from installing updates again.


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    > "bRo, wHy dOn't yOU jUsT UsE oVeRScRoLL-beHavIOuR: cONtAiN tO dEAcTiVAtE pUlL tO rEFreSh?!"

    (source: https://usefulangle.com/post/278/... )

    Thanks for the tip, except this needs to be done on the server side by the site owner or other privileged user, and most mobile browsers lack extensions so no custom CSS. And the extensions that exist have no CSS for all sites anyway.
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    @exerceo Firefox for Android supports tampermonkey.

    > most mobile browsers lack extensions

    All proprietary software is adverse to extensions and only supports them to the extent that it's necessary to remain competitive. Most $tool will always lack extensions unless the market of $tool was at some point dominated by open solutions that established user-focused practices. If you want extensions, choosing platforms that tolerate competition and a program that is open is generally a prerequisite.
  • 1
    Chrome desktop only has extensions because it continues to compete with Firefox deaktop. They managed to take control of the extension standard however and are now trying to eliminate capabilities from it with manifest V3.
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