
Id happily give up 10% of any prospective salary if it meant that my job hunting was handled by an agent who is somewhat competent in the concepts of programming and primarily motivated to secure the highest possible salary for me. Humanity is really good at figuring out how to delegate tasks so that individuals can specialize. Why can't I specialize in programming and delegate salesmanship?

  • 6
    Aaah I see you have 5 years of frontend experience but I don’t see HTML on your resume…rejected! I see you have 5 years of backend experience but I only see MySQL. We need Oracle, even though you can learn it in a day. Rejected!
  • 1
    @ostream I'm not joking. I'm in London, I have an EU citizenship and right to work in the UK, my CV can be printed from https://www.lbfalvy.com/cv but it probably sucks since I hardly get responses, and everything is on my github. I'd sign a contract about this.
  • 0
    @Alexanderr totally. If you have experience and intellect you should see common patterns between different tech stacks and so should ramp up quickly. Knowing core concepts and writing maintainable code as well as teamwork and communication skills are pretty much all you need. Syntax would take a bit of time but IDE’s help with that shit, plus AI tools and googling (and tbh any dev who doesn’t research syntax forgotten is almost hopeless). Exceptions are extremes like applying to a react dev position when all you did was C++, there’s too big a difference but some of these damn recruiters are turned off thinking you won’t learn C# coming from Java lol
  • 2
    @lorentz you didn't ask but I'm gonna criticize your link/cv

    1. Your intro summary thing is too long, maybe wouldn't bug other people but frankly I don't care to read all that
    2. Put recent experience on top, not your education. Personally I have my skills on top even higher than that cuz it will be quicker for someone to look at it
    3. Your site is zoomed in on mobile and doesn't take up the whole page. If your experience is webdev your site probably has to be good.
    4. Your UX design is shit. It looks trash ngl. I did art so maybe why, but you need to learn some aesthetics maybe and get a better sense of what people like. For example, concepts such as spacing, color pallets (colors that look good together). I'm bothered by the color distribution. I don't know why everything is rounded and it annoys me, because it breaks the flow of my eyes and makes things difficult to read. Greyed out info is good but no italics... Entirely useless. Design = eye control. People are lazy & glance.
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