Im a newbie here! thanks

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    Hi and welcome to the madness =]
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    Hey! Your bio emanates a kind of confidence I pretty much never see. This isn't LinkedIn and there are no recruiters so no need to fake it, but if it's genuine then good on you!
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    A friendly reminder the rocket emoticon is forbidden on this platform. Please remove from your bio immediately
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    @black-kite I hate that the rocket emoticon which was previously associated with grandiosity on general is now inseparably tied in my head to Ponzi schemes thanks to fucking crypto.
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    @fruitfcker the comment section just shows the diversity in this place
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    Welcome! I hope the tags system isn't too complicated. 😁
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    Thank you for removing the rocket. You may now proceed to further activities on devRant
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    i dont actually know what more to do here in devrant. still exploring
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    @whizbyte101 Read & rant. Maybe have some conversation in the comments every so often.
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    @c3r38r170 what is the use of thos ++ and --. haha earning it
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    @c3r38r170 yeah devrant is really pretty nice. having conversation without friends. can you say this is a social media
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    Knowing who is a bot, and who isn't.

    Actually, I don't know if this is a social media, or a microblogging platform, if it makes any difference.
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