
What adds meaning to your life?

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    Whatever you think adds

    Life and its meaning are very subjective
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    @asgs but what about you specifically?
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    Still trying to figure all that out
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    Sorry for my moment of weakness: my real answer is Hummus
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    Idk what I was thinking
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    My friends more than anything - they have gotten me through some difficult times recently.
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    @iiii to be honest, life is meaningless. We all get born and die. Unless there is an after life for real where I could retrospect and live another life in a different birth, I don't know what its meaning is

    Whatever I seem to add doesn't make it better. Sometimes, it gets worse. Either I am not adding the right things or not adding them the right way or I am too blind to realise the results in the way it should be realised

    It just is undefined to me. So, I have stopped doing any meta thinking and living life only one day everyday for now
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    You are here. Strive to first find what makes you happy, and then work towards it.

    As my grandpa (RIP) said, make it so when you are due to leave, you have no regrets.
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    @CoreFusionX I'm not asking about myself
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    adding snow effect to my apps
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    @MammaNeedHummus you should think more about your needs
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    Fuck bitches, Get money.
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    @supernova777 pffttt okay simp.
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    Schizoid fantasies

    Eesh lotta nihilism here
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    my dog's face
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    life doesn't have meaning.

    life doesn't need meaning.

    life is what happens while you waste your time pondering about "meaning".
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    @fruitfcker right! It's lovely with just warm pitta but goes wonderfully with all kinds of foods
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    Life is empty and meaningless. I believe in nihilism. Its the base of reality

    However cicada 3301 offers path to enlightenment but only for highly intelligent individuals. So they might be the true way out of nihilism
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    mortgage, those fuckers want their money back
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    Creating a meaning and finding other meaning in the process. It is utterly pointless, but it's one grind I can't stop for the life of me.
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    @GenghisKhan my dyslexia read this as "Your ass hair sucks"
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    @GenghisKhan neither are your manners apparently
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    I find meaning in God. I’ll admit that faith isn’t always easy when there are so many people that will try to convince you not to believe in anything outside yourself.

    I am not the one on the hook for everything that happens to me and there is always light in the darkness. I’m never alone. My identity as a person isn’t linked to money, or acquisition, or legacy, or even my actions. I have faith that the bad stuff that people do will be met with justice. I have instruction about what to do with my life. I’m constantly humbled by my seeming insignificance but i get to play a little role in a big plan. I am free to indulge in the good things in life that I have been given and am grateful for how uncomplicated life is when I follow.

    I wish everyone could have what I have. Sadly it doesn’t work like that.
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