
It's a joke, don't be a fanboyee!

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    I have worked extensively with that shit, and nothing without a very qualified neuroscientist can make anything useful out of it.

    So yeah, probably more apple bullshit, if that's really apple. I take them as intelligent enough to trod into such swamp.
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    @CoreFusionX I wonder it its something to take heart rate or something. Which would be useful. This could be some reinterpretation as far as I know.
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    No way in hell I’m getting that. Don’t want my brainwaves to be uploaded to the government or some shit
  • 3
    There are some toys that measure how "narrow" and how "flat" the brainwave spectrum in a given moment, enough to light a few LEDs or another low frequency, low precision binary interaction "using mind control!"
    Those use some clunky EEG headbands.

    @CoreFusionX, maybe Apple figured out a way to miniaturize and cram a EEG inside earplugs, and wants to have a patent just in case some day those become good enough, and their SIGINT becomes good enough, to actually make something useful out of this gimmick.
    Just in case. If the tech never gets there, they haven't lost much.
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    I can understand why someone would want a blood pressure machine or a Fitbit to track heart health but why would anyone need this?
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    @TeachMeCode I kind of want to play with the tech, but this would not give me access to that. If anything it would be anybody but me who could use this on me. Stupid walled garden bullshit.
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    It's ridiculous no matter what.

    No consumer made electronics can accurately measure EEG, and even if it did, you'd need very qualified professionals with prior knowledge of the situation to put out any remotely valid conclusion.
  • 4
    can confirm. there’s not a single thought in my head
  • 4
    @TeachMeCode it might show up when you're meditating

    Or rather how alert/awake you are

    It will also know optimal brain state for hypnosis. Watch 'em use that as prime time for pushing ads.
  • 1
    It will be as disappointing as this shrimp and lobster “feast” I got from Red Lobster-it was mostly shrimp and most of the meat from the LOBSTER tail was missing. What did they do with the rest of the tail? Most of the price was from the tail itself, assholes ripped me off. Sorry drunken rant lol. Why is a sea bug so damn expensive
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    @jestdotty good point, that’s one good use
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    @CoreFusionX, you are right, and most likely will remain right.

    But some 20 years ago, the very idea that a set of digital cameras (not one, several), micro gyrometers and graphics processing capabilities powerful enough to do AR, would ever fit in a consumer portable device was science fiction.
    The very thought of it ever being useful... is still quite correct, but it ain't for lack of computer vision scientists - app developers still need to find something useful to do with AR/VR.

    From the first flight of Wright brothers to the aerial battle of the Somme only some fifteen years had passed. Patents last for twenty.
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    lobotomy pods
  • 1
    I bet the most they can do is measuring the levels of ear wax
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    Also airpods have an ugly design, at first glance I thought the image was about a hairdryer.
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    Great, one more step closer to Cybus.

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