"Most people don't know what files are and don't know how to type and read, so they need tools that look up those files for them, put the numbers and words in those files into graphs and colors, and replace the typing with little buttons."
– imbecile on Reddit

  • 4
    @Slow-Yep you sound like that c project lawyer guy dude
  • 2
    A file is a thin strip of meat cut from the bone
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode that's a filet, file is packing material you put into larger voids.
  • 2
    Can someone with downvote rights please downvote the spam in this thread? The problem with comments on devrant is that they don't get hidden like rants do.
  • 1
    @electrineer I’m doing my part. I hope I don’t lose my downvote rights as well.
  • 1
    @Slow-Yep I don't know because I skipped them once it was obvious that they were spam
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