
excel be like

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    Biology changed gene naming because of this...
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    @MammaNeedHummus there is a gene that used to be called Mar25, it has a new gene alias (I don't know the new one), but it still shows up in papers and stuff, like on this page:

    Guess what happens if you put "Mar25" into a spreadsheet... I work in a biotech, our search interface has to support these gene aliases. This has caused quite a few problems.

    Anyway, this is an article about it https://theverge.com/2020/8/...
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    Also, you'd think gene aliases would just mean one gene can have two names but nooooo... One gene may be aliased by another name, but the other name may refer to a larger bit of DNA so it's not always a bidirectional relationship...

    Anyway... Design meeting flashback over...
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