
Today I learnt that I'm much more productive if I get a constant loop of feedback on my tickets and stuff. Feels better that way.

Edit: I'm working with a new coworker from QA and she's more responsive than the others. I get my feedback fast and timely and this makes it way easier to work

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    100% this
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    @iceb no stupid meetings or anything, just clear and concise communication
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    <cough> automated tests </cough>
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    @MammaNeedHummus Those take 2.5 minutes minimum at $work, and a full suite on a x-large aws server running in parallel takes 1h45m.

    That same full run, single threadded on a laptop... would take 4-7 days, but something invariably fails so it never actually finishes.

    yeah. testing sucks here. so does the dev work, honestly. and the pay, too, thanks to inflation.
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    @lucadev I know that feeling, and I miss it so much. I'm envious!
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    @Root we've got long running tests too. Are your unit tests connecting to third parties/dependencies (i.e. databases)?
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    @MammaNeedHummus DB? Of course.

    There’s just a lot of specs (62k last I checked). And most of my coworkers don’t know how to write performant specs, or factories for that matter.
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