
Fuck you and your static typing! Ideologically, static typing is about formalizing the world, just like what nazis did. Static typing means nazi.

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    represent 🤫🫡
  • 3
    Dunb take, even as a hyperboly.
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    Oh, another ostream 🤡
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    According to this, mathematicians are nazis, too. 🤡
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    @Lensflare when mathematicians realize the world doesn’t fit in their theories, they discard those theories as obsolete. When typetards realize the same thing, they cry and scream and tell the world that the world is wrong.
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    @Lensflare first, there was god. Then, god created static typing. The thing that is perfect in every way. Then came the dirty dynamic typing heretics and messed the whole world up. We have to fix that. Everything that doesn’t fit in our static typing theory must be eliminated.

    Replace static typing with white Aryan race, and dynamic typing heretics with… you know who. There you go.
  • 1
    @kiki No. It’s people like you who scream and cry.
    Congratulations for reaching ostream's level.
    I wasn’t sure if you were trolling.
    I had built up a decent amount of respect for you until now. Well, there it goes…
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    @ostream trolling is when you try to provoke a heated discussion about something that you don’t have an opinion about. You just want the people to fight for entertainment.

    You on the other hand, mean what you say. You just add silly humor to it like the nazi thing so that you can hide behind it when you are faced with arguments against your claims.

    That’s not trolling, thats a pathetic attempt to express an opinion and then hide behind humor when it gets embarrassing.
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    Me when then nazis send php devs to concentration camps:
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    It is especialy funny when dynamic typed languages add typespecs, annotation, or even static type support when they realize they need to create reliable software.
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    @aviophile also, every statically typed language can be used like it was dynamic.
    Just use the generic type everywhere:

    But of course you would need to be a moron to do that.
    Meanwhile, JS people having an orgasm…
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    only two things they would've used is Plankalkül for one.

    It has only two Datatypes:
    A Bit and Ja/Nein (functionally identical with booleans)

    And the other one would've been Begriffsschrift, which is entirely untyped. A Modern implementation of it is Gottlob.
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    @ostream Let's not forget "HEIC". Some push their own standardization. So frustrating ...
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    @kiki thank you for this absolute comedy of a rant 🤣
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    Disagree OP
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