
Stoners who are bragging the worst. They can not function properly and worst it, they are not aware of the fact they are making themselves more and more idiot as time passes.

Normally, I wouldn't care stupid people to get more stupid, when you are trying to cooperate with them in any case, they are pain to deal with.

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    @ostream woah
  • 7
    Define "functioning properly"

    I think you'll find the human condition is not as simple as you'd like to think
  • 1
    you're talking out of your ass again man.
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus guy stops the coop session suddenly, and proudly claims he is “going to roll phat one”. 20 minutes later, 50% of your messages will be ignored and you need to repeat those messages to these boboons.
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    @jestdotty yeah, maybe it shuts those neurons down for the rest of the day so it protects them from overworking.
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    @SidTheITGuy found the stoner who thinks weed doesn’t affect cognition, immediately.
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    @jestdotty i have read the summaries of studies cannabis usage for neurodegenerative diseases but i have never encountered studies abt good effect on already healthy people. The two are different things. Healthy people do not benefit from cancer treatment, people with cancer do.
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    @aviophile could you please point out the fundamental difference to people who brag about drinking alcohol until they're unable to stand upright?
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    @aviophile that's coming from someone who likes to fuck birds. No one is taking you seriously.
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    @tosensei strawman argument. I also hate proud alcoholics. Equally annoying.
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    @SidTheITGuy don’t kinkshame me bro. My body my choice.
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    @aviophile not a "strawman argument"; but a "you oughta look at the obviously FAR bigger problem first"

    also "my body, my choice" includes whatever substances one consumes.
  • 1
    @tosensei sorry, you are right. It was whataboutism. You don’t dictate what I post about. War is bigger problem. We both don’t talk about it.

    My body, my choice doesn’t work when you need to cooperate with a stoner. Most workplaces don’t hire those for a good reason.
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    @aviophile nobody comes out swinging in an interview that they're a stoner. If they do, then that's on them to get rejected. Dumbass.

    Same goes with cocaine or alcohol.
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    @SidTheITGuy when you can’t argue all of my points, you switch to insults. Typical (((high functioning))) stoner.
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    @jestdotty anything it helps temporarily, it will damage something more important permanently. Developing a physcological addiction is guaranteed. Acting “normal” when you are high is like not talking/moving whenyou are drunk heavily. The moment you need to perform normal, the facade will end.

    So far, I haven’t heard/seen any beneficial effect on cognitive performance better than a good cup of coffee. And even then, cup of coffee every day will have diminishing benefits. Risk analysis tells me that people should really consider what will happen when they develop a form of addiction. The downside is too much compared to upside.
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    @aviophile Well at least im high functioning unlike your pathetic ass that finds birds sexually attractive.
  • 0
    @jestdotty you based your answer on two giant misunderstandings
    1. I said psychological, not physical addiction.
    2. i don’t like coffee, where you got that? I gave coffee example as all “performance/mood enhancing substances losing their effect in time. My point is chronic consumption of coffee/weed only ends up in physcological addiction and diminishing benefits.
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    @SidTheITGuy dude, I play this game longer and better than you. Please stop trying to act like discount ostream. Internet insults doesn’t make a dent on me. But it will be definitely bad for your soul.
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    didn’t mention you. The only way you found about it is opening a rant created by me and reading all of my comments. Our original rules were very clear. Don’t reply directly or don’t @ mention.
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    I became an addiction that you can’t let go. Remember my last meme and act like me.
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    @aviophile Internet insults don't make a dent on you, but stoners do.

    You're funny I'll give you that. too bad ur a dumbass.
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    The only violence from you would be punching your pillows while you crying your eyes out.
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    Does your grammar/spelling function correctly?

    Also, I somewhat agree stoners can be annoying. But hey, at least it’s better than drunk stepdad causing a domestic assault gongshow!
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    @jestdotty pile on my dick.
  • 0
    @ostream no, you take pleasure in hurting yourself. You have no willpower to ignore me. You can do it like myself, push to clear notifications button without reading, but you can not control yourself. My comments are the easy difficulty challenge for you and you fail it, obviously.
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    @shovethisrant both are really really bad. And both are rarely private issues, especially when your trying to work together.
  • 1
    @aviophile Ayy whoa, don't start talking trash about Jest, or anyone else for that matter.

    How pathetic are u, I was taking you for a joke but now you're devolving into a pathetic creep.

    Fuck off you little bitch and go fuck some birds, find a pigeon or something to fuck. Little turd ass motherfucker. I am going to smoke more weed now. Choke on my dick if you want to, motherfucker.
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  • 4
    @ostream @SidTheITGuy aww devRant's resident power couple are battling internet meanies

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    @MammaNeedHummus the jokes's getting kinda old tbh
  • 3
    @ostream are you going to let your man call your relationship old and tired?

  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus I'm calling YOUR joke old and tired lol.

    ostream and me are as fresh as a pizza coming right out of the oven.
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    @jestdotty haha, simptheITguy gave this self confidence, didn’t he.
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    @jestdotty OP is a bird fucker. Don't expect grammatically correct or sensible statements out of him.
  • 1
    Did anyone say pp?

    For what it's worth, I still like you @aviophile

  • 0
    @ostream you have a chance to delete this app or ignore my comments. You do none. You hate yourself more than I am indifferent to you.
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    @retoor most who understand me, like me.
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    @aviophile don't get cocky dear
  • 0
    @aviophile ok so i knkw this thread is old and youre apparently a dumbass, but...

    1. There are several studies on weed in smaller doses(thc, cbd and both) that show some enhancement in critical thinking and performance, esp creativity.

    2. You mentioned cancer treatments not helping people without cancer... which is you effectively equating yourself to a healthy, well-functioning adult... even without knowing your medical history, you're clearly not. Mentally healthy people dont spew the crap you do or try to find other subsets of society to knock down... that's what middle-school bullies and self-hating adults with no life, in desperate need of a therapist, do.

    3. You are assuming an equal starting gauge between you and these horrible stoners... yet no evidence of comparative skills.

    4. I highly suggest reading this:

    5. If you ever want real stats on intoxication vs you, alcohol and/or weed, just lmk... id find it amusing... yet childsplay
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