Dear websites,

Please stop fucking asking me to install your shitty mobile apps. They do the same thing your site does. I have a browser, and it's a lot better. I don't even visit you every day. But even if I did, and I wanted your crappy app, I'd open the app store and download it by myself. No need to push me.

No need to waste the little screen estate I have with crappy call-to-action sections to download that shit.

Fuck your desire for more information about me. Fuck your narcissistic enjoyment when I have your icon on my fucking home screen.

The truth is, there is a very small number of apps that really need to integrate with a phone to offer better experience.

I feel most of you feel you need to have an app just because everyone else does. And so you could show these little Android and Apple logos on your website or ads. Well, how about you just make sure your site works well on a mobile screen and don't waste your money on a half-baked mobile shit app unless it really offers something worthwhile?

And if you do have a good app and it really does something, ask me just once and fucking respect my choice. Don't just ask me again and again, on every page, with every new session, or I'll just stop visiting.

You're all not that unique, so fuck you!

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    apps can send notifications and (should) consume less mobile data
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    @bcye Notifications could be a point, but many sites' apps don't really notify you of anything (or they shouldn't). Regarding mobile data, what about caching more stuff?
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    I'm so glad to find I'm not alone in thinking this. I thought I must be out of touch, or something.
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    @Gaetano96 devRant is a special case :P
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    @Gaetano96 well, devRant’s mobile UI is so good 🤗🤗

    Only twice have I logged in to devRant on desktop... that too because I was formatting my phone 😂😂
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    Reddit does this quite aggressively and it is driving me nuts! Their is zero benefit to having reddit as an app. Stop trying to force me please! The site has actually become slower and slower over the year! Crazy.
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    @cwizard I do not think Reddit forcing people to install their mobile app is a good practise, however I find all those client really giving a functionality benefit. Right now I'm using Relay and it's really good! I have been using their official one, too, and then, after formatting my phone, I visited their mobile site. I must admit I was really surprised, since I have always felt like Reddit was a great example of being great for everyone. Forcing to install their app is not only pissing people off but also seems to be a little shady. Often times it turns out those client like to call home all the time!
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    @CodeNoir @Gaetano96 Wasn't devRant designed to be a mobile app tho? It doesn't count if it was.
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    DevRant makes a great "tiny window" desktop app if you resize it until it responsively switches to the mobile layout.

    I use a userstyle to hide the app popup and move the "add comment" and "add rant" buttons closer to the window edge.

    It would be nice if I didn't _have to_, but it works for me.
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    Even worse when the app doesn’t fucking work. Looking long and hard at you, Quora. Digest email links have been broken for months. MONTHS. I switched to using the Gmail app, which opens the links in the browser so they actually work.
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    I don't fucking care. I'm not installing apps for 1000 different websites. Sites that ask this every single time I go to them are annoying as fuck.
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