
Okay ... Windows, I really tried to be nice, but that's it. You get off my ssd right now ...

Just got the error: "filename is too long - unable to delete file" (full name incl. path)

Seriously, WHY?
I mean, sure ... Long file paths/names are a thing and this is why there are limitations. I am totally fine with it!
But Why the hell allows windows you to create those files if it is unable to delete these files later ...
I don't get it. Maybe I am just hit my head to hard as a child and someone may enlighten me ...

PS: windows was running in a VM to give it a real serious try after years on Linux

  • 2
    Oh yeah, good ol' MAX_PATH. There was a rant here a while back by @Ashkin: https://devrant.com/rants/732850/...
  • 3
    Interestingly i believe if you delete the file using PowerShell or cmd, or even UoW, it'll happily do it >:D
  • 0
    @7400 oh yes, just read this rant ... Good post!! But I still can not believe that windows allowes you to create files in paths longer than MAX_PATH

    @D--M no. Tried that. No success :D
  • 2
    npm i -g rimraf
    rimraf some-crappy-file

    Worked for 90% of too-long-file-errors...

    For the other 10% i ended up just ignoring the repo and re-cloning it...
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