
Capitalism be Like

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    China is communist tho
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    I dont get why people would point to it as a race issue.. its literslly still "black panther" why not just that they were doing basic analytics so they used a couple version of a photoshoot?... im pretty sure i think too logical/quantifiable to be racist... but i did get a kick out of sometimes fking with people by acting really serious but nearly racist against specifically blonde females with blue eyes... seeing how long they overthink that..b4 realising i just described myself.
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    @awesomeest math is racist tho
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    @jestdotty oh... no... math, logic, and all those other objective criteria that people have told me i cant apply to solve for humanity... especially emotions... youll all see the truth in the relatively near future. I can and WILL quantify everything... not based on my preferences, but on humanitys.

    I so wish i could say more without wasting dozen of annoying af International NDAs and devaluing my company... but youll all see! *muhahaha*
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