
Mood swings are:
When you get bored of black theme and change to light theme.

And later changing back to the good old dark theme

  • 2
    hmm 🤔 I've never went back to light theme
  • 1
    @calmyourtities you are yet to get mood swings. It will come up when you grow older may be. Wait for some years.
  • 1
    @github oh I've had mood swings, they've never made me switch to light theme
  • 4
    Any age can get mood swings. Both younger and older people get mood swings, teenagers however, have them more often.

    But I don't think they would make me switch to light theme. Nothing would.
  • 2
    @calmyourtities @Michelle then, changing to light theme will be considered as the greatest mood swings of the century. 😂
  • 0
    I changed my theme to grey yesterday ... At 3 AM in the morning ... Because I was not feeling sleepy..
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