
moterfucking google stop wasting my time with your endless captcha bullshit.

You know exactly my fucking home IP, I don't have time to select your fucking bicycles, hydrants and buses.

And all you motherfuckers who use google captcha go fuck yourself because you are dumb as fuck

  • 3
    Web scraper programmer detected.
  • 1
    What about traffic lights?
  • 1
    hahahhahahaha same here
  • 0
    @jestdotty yes, but once an IP becomes known for scraping/bot activity then Google gives that IP more challenges. So a whole company can all of a sudden be getting more challenges because someone wrote some code to "check for internet" by pinging Google.
  • 2
    @Demolishun yeah I won't say how I did it but there's plenty of IP tunnels or randomization systems one can cleverly devise

    also quite frankly it never came up. I think the hack was simply like "remove some js from the website" and then the captcha didn't happen and everything worked fine... like it never solved the captcha it simply removed it from running in the first place lol
  • 1
    @jestdotty not all scrapers are smart.
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