
My situation on real life

  • 12
    Need... more... POWAH!
  • 10
    you have rearranged the stuffed toys?
  • 6
    Is it just me, or do the stuffed animals just look so much more freaky in the second image? O.o
  • 5
    "How to keep yourself warm"
  • 3
    I wonder if she gets rich to by all of those stuff after switching to linux 😂😂
  • 3
    Why has she build a miniature skyscraper in her house after switching to linux?
  • 1
    Where can I buy some of those big monitors?
  • 1
    Source? :D
  • 4
    If I'm not mistaken this should be from Serial Experiments Lain, an equally disturbing anime like this image :D
  • 1
    I watched it until end, its one of those "open for interpretation" kind of stories. :)
  • 1
    Man I'm scared of making the "switch to linux" step on my main workstation, but I know the payoff is huge
  • 0
    Yes this is indeed from Serial Experiments Lain! I absolutely loved that anime. The art style is pretty bad but it is a total mind trip. Leaves you with so much to think about. Highly underrated and underappreciated, though at the same time probably not for everyone. It's pretty slowly paced.
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