
Holy fucking shit! Coding by yourselves seem so much fucking more efficient than in a team. Fuck you team! I know you might say this makes me a bad programmer. But you know what fuck you too!

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    This make you a bad programmer :p
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    @CluelessBanana I got the "I'm a banana" song in my head when reading your handle
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    I cant agree more. But I realised it will come to handy in the future if I start early being comfortable working in a team.
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    Certain goals can only be achieved through team work. And I have worked in a lot of different teams and realized that matching personality is key. Willingness to listen to the other is also important.

    I had really fun times in certain teams, and abysmal experience in others. So working alone might not be per se best, it's good for certain task, and most important of all: working alone might be your comfort zone. We all know where the magic happens ;)
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    @Phoenix99 Certain things are impossible to build yourself. Certain project's scopes are so mind boggeling huge that you alone simply wouldn't even live long enough to do everything yourself.
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    @Phoenix99 @k0pernikus The biggest issue with working with a team is when the members are hard of listening. They listen to an idea, but because they can't understand it they come to the conclusion that it must be wrong. It's happening with me right now! Then I have to take them step by step, and then they say yes to it. I could have worked on implementing the idea in that time. It is so fucking annoying!
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    @k0pernikus I agree. I can't build a major rest API along with the front end all by my self. But the team better be upto the mark in both technical and soft skills. Or it all goes to shit!
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