If you are a developer and the resume you send me says "Certified Web Ninja" on it. I will invite you to an interview. But keep in mind, if you don't show up wearing all black and carrying a Katana, I will throat punch you and send you on your way.

  • 33
    what if the developer doesn't show up?

    would you be sure he/she didn't show up?

    may be is there, going full ninja on you...
  • 19
    @antorqs If I am unable to see him or her and they can prove they were in my office at the specified time of the interview, then I would hire them!
  • 1
    Code ninjas tend to have code masters. And code syndicates. And code clans. And code feet, shoeless and stockings stuffed in their stockings under their feet so you can't hear them enter the code dojo.
  • 1
    @FunkDelegate Yeah and they kill bugs with code shuriken stars.
  • 2
    @antorqs Kill the code! Eh, I mean, the bugs!
  • 3
    Corollary: Companies and recruiting agencies, stop asking for ninjas of any kind. Rockstars too, while we're at it. That shit's just ridiculous.
  • 0
    @Jantho1990 Junkies maybe? Or gurus?
  • 0
    @Jantho1990 I completely agree.
  • 1
    We had one applying who called himself a JS ninja. That fucker did not know about anything JS related except framework names and buzzwords
  • 1
    @Hammster maybe he was a bad js ninja. Not all js ninjas are good js ninjas 8) Did he have some missing fingers? 😁
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