
Fuck you apple, and fuck your god damn shitty documentation.

Working with NFC enabled passes, their documentation says "payload max is 64 bytes"

What they ACTUALLY fucking mean is 64 ascii characters.

Also, the way they handle date time formats is fucked. They say they support W3C formats (iso) but what they actually mean is, they support a half assed version of a subset of it.

I told their chief engineer over a phone call and his response;

"I agree, our documentation is lacking"... HOW ABOUT YOU FUCKING UPDATE IT!

Also, how they handle json is just bad.

  • 5
    Well one ascii character is one byte... so i don't see a problem here...
  • 2
    >>>> Eat a bag of dicks

    I am interested in the logistics of this.
  • 2
  • 1
    They never do shit, told them their registration page was bugged for me, and even though I was the legal age to register... I couldn’t. Fucking a year later, they’re still working on it alongside their legal team. I just made it another account, I like their products but not their autism.
  • 0
    They never do shit, told them their registration page was bugged for me, and even though I was the legal age to register... I couldn’t. Fucking a year later, they’re still working on it alongside their legal team. I just made it another account, I like their products but not their autism.
  • 1
    Apple’s documentation is actually some of the best I’ve encountered. Worst is Android because in their examples, they use outdated API’s so you’re just as better off fending for yourself in a lot of cases.
  • 0
    @Gregozor2121 the problem is really simple.

    If you send a 64 byte binary payload in clear text, its 128 bytes of ascii unless you ascii encode it, in which case you might be sending ??? to an embedded system. Its not safe.

    So now, your only solution is to base64 it, which means you have a max of 44 binary bytes worth of data.

    Now, because its JSON, it has to be 64 characters of ascii.
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