

The Java course at our Uni requires us to do an end semester project - A Java App with Swing for GUI and some Multithreading code in it.

They asked us to upload the code to drive. I was bored and was checking out my friends' projects.

The code below is what I saw in one of the projects. They have simply called a thread with an empty run method because the project required to use multithreading concepts, wtf.

But then, It is no surprise to me cause these are the people who memorize code and vomit code for marks.

I am worried that people are going to be awarded degrees and called software engineers.

God save the software industry!

  • 25
    No body should write two separate classes in I .java file
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    @thevariableman My professors would have failed me for that crap.
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    @thevariableman I will never ever expect software best practices, modular code, etc from these morons.
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    @juneeighteen In my Uni it's very simple, you pay money, invest 4 years of your life there, and buy your degree.
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    @goodJVM mine had its own problems ,like learning Oracle 9 ten years after its end-of-life notice.
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    @juneeighteen In my school they were teaching ASP in 2016 😅
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    Well he got the answers for the given question. I'm sure that the professor just sees the Thread and Swing.

    Professor: Hey this guy done it all with just few lines. He is smart.

    Fucking prof, fucking uni and I'm sure that guy will get the same mark as you.

    Fucking education fucking system.

    Disclaimer: user faced the same issues, so ignore the bad words.
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    @goodJVM I just left a company that was still writing ASP in 2018.
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    @Torbuntu the space on the line declaring JPanel pisses me off - that shit doesn’t fly in a real dev shop. Your PR would be rejected because of damn spacing . Professors should really prepare you for what’s expected in an actual code review. Hell, peer review of code in a university would be a huge step forward.
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    @Torbuntu these people are from a C/C++ background (they have studied C/C++ in their school)

    they can't and won't adapt to any other language's coding conventions

    I am looking forward how these people are gonna right python code ( next semester python uni course) , lol.
  • 4
    I really wish i hadnt opened devrant today...
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    @juneeighteen I go into depression when I see improperly formatted code (FYI these people type code in notepad 😑)
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    @goodJVM the fuck has c++ to do with it? If people are too retarded to format their code properly that's not the languages fault in most cases
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    @goodJVM its probably because of their teachers. Everybody who just started doing something has to do it as their teacher thought it to them. And after doing it more and more on ones own you develop your own style and that doesn't happen anymore.

    Just look at my class. They don't even know what a tab is. They just format their code randomly. The tab size they use is something between 3-13, and differs from line to line. That are just my class mates. The classmate I'm doing to project with has to read the code I wrote (I actually finished our project already, he's just playing around) and I can see already that hes slowly developing his own style. And I can read his code quite well.

    Just give them time to make their own experiences (or not. Some people just don't get it)
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    I really hate Java but I hate those code morons more than Java.
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    Yeah! "save the software industry"

    I highly doubt the "industry" is in any trouble if this kid gets a degree.

    3 likely options
    1. Hire/fire till he learns to write decent code. And keeps evolving with the team he works with.
    2. He works in a team/company that sucks but he makes a living wage until... technology eats his job (he does something basic repetitive).
    3. He doesn't get hired he doesn't adapt/improve—resulting in a devaluing degree until it's worthless.

    Focus on your own skill.
  • 1
    Well, this what I don't like about universities. Even if you go to a more prestigious one there will be always a bunch of morons that you have to do a project with :/.
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    Hey wait a minute...that's my project!
  • 1
    It's a great course
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    This course has been my long-time dream, but I can imagine how much effort it takes to complete it. I will definitely do this, but later, since now I have more priority tasks. This source helps me in choosing a writing service for this https://state-journal.com/sponsored... The reviews were quite helpful and I learned all the pros and cons thanks to this.
  • 0
    Hey everyone, I just read a rant on devrant about a Java course at a university requiring students to do an end-semester project in Java. The student seemed frustrated with the requirement, and it sparked a discussion about the challenges of the project: . It’s interesting to see different perspectives on this, and it seems like many students can relate to the struggle of completing such projects.
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