Whoever at Microsoft decided to give away so many freebies in the Visual Studio Dev Essentials thing deserves a fucking knighthood.

  • 7
    Whomever told them to nake. Net core open source or came with .net core deserves one as well.

    Also the dude that came out with vs code needs to get blowjobs on the daily.

    Microsoft is not getting nearly the amount of recognition they deserve for getting their heads out of their asses and embracing this shit.

    Meanwhile (and even tho I have nothing against apple) xcode still crashes and their apis are still a walled garden.
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    I use Atom but I've started playing around in VS Code and have been really impressed so far.
  • 2
    Microsoft finally embracing Linux is what did it, I believe. They have a custom Microsoft Linux OS they use to run Azure's service fabric that's proprietary. It was once they admitted defeat in that category did we start to see MS get their shit together, embrace Open Source more and realize web is the next move not OS's.

    VS Code is my go-to editor now. I've uninstalled everything else and couldn't be happier. Saved me a monthly subscription with Jetbrains for WebStorm.
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    @AleCx04 let's not forget Typescript!
    And I was messing around with ChakraCore recently, MS Edge's JavaScript engine. It's pretty cool. If nothing else, it keeps Google on its toes. And they're trying to make a fork of nodejs that uses Chakra instead of V8. It's a good thing, I think, one big company (Google) dominating an important ecosystem (NodeJS) is usually not a good idea.

    Microsoft open source ftw.
  • 1
    @RememberMe indeed bro! Typescript was made by the same mastermind behind Turbo Pascal, Delphi and C#, Anders Hejlsberg and this guy really knows what he is doing when it comes to language design!
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